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dc.contributor.authorRahmatulloh, R
dc.contributor.authorMaryani, Enok
dc.contributor.authorAgustin, Mubiar
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to produce measurement instruments of intelligence for the elementary school students. Development of instruments that include validity, practicality, and effectiveness. One of the intelligences developed in elementary school of Social learning is Spatial intelligence. This instrument is used to measure the effect of using map media on students’ spatial intelligence. Measuring instruments that meet the standards, will appropriately know the results of a learning process, so that learners learn the results will look well and can be used as an evaluation material for the next learning program.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectspatial intelligenceid_ID
dc.subjectmap mediaid_ID
dc.titleDevelopment and Validation of Spatial Intelligence in Measurement of Instruments through Learning using Map Mediaid_ID

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