The Importance of Media as Guidance and Counseling Services in Early Childhood Education
Media is a tool that can be used as a message channel to achieve goals. The message received further by the senses is then processed by the human mind to control and determine attitudes toward something, before taking a decision of action. So even in the media learning, media is very much used. One effort that needs to be done to improve the effectiveness of guidance and counseling services is the development of guidance and counseling media. The use of media must be in accordance with the objectives or competencies and material of guidance and counseling services. Media in counseling and guidance services play an important role in guidance and counseling. So that students can better understand the material and internalize the guidance and counseling services to students, especially early childhood. In doing the stimulation aspects of early childhood development should be adjusted with age and stage of development because each child despite having the same age but sometimes have different stages of development. To stimulate all aspects of early childhood development can’t be separated from media learning. For early childhood learning is done through playing by using real media learning, audio media, visual media, and surrounding media, so that learning activities in childhood run effectively.