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dc.contributor.authorFitria Widyasari, Domas
dc.contributor.authorCandrasari, Anika
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dc.description.abstractDegenerative, wrong eating habit of sodium and fat, wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol intake and stressful life are some of known risk factors for hypertension among elderly. Geriatric (elderly) in Indonesia is a group of residents that become the focus of attention because of the number of elderly is increase, and brought variety of health problems. Hypertension is an important public health issue, since it is a risk factor for various cardiovascular complications, such as heart failure and stroke. Health education of hypertension is needed to be given to the elderly to increase the knowledge and attitude about healthy life to control and treat hypertension and also to reduce cardiovascular complication. This study aimed to examine knowledge and attitude of rural elderly especially in Makamhaji village Kartasura Sukoharjo before and after they get health education. The study applied one group pre and post test design. A sample of 39 elderly (age above 55 years) was drawn for the study. Instrument for evaluation used questionnaire consist of 35 questions (20 questions for knowledge and 15 questions for attitude), which was considered one if the answer is correct and zero if the answer is incorrect. The statistical analysis was performed by using bivariate analysis.There is an increasing value of knowledge average about hypertension after administration of education from 4.46 to 13.97 and attitudes average about hypertension from 3.49 to 9.90. The study showed a statistically significant increment in knowledge and attitude before and after education with p value of both knowledge and attitude is 0.000.This study concludes that there is a statistically significant increment in knowledge and attitude after education about hypertension. It is recommended that health education institutions should cooperate with health service institutions to provide information about hypertension and government health institutions should expand health education focusing on the elderly through Posyandu Lansia.en_US
dc.titlePengaruh Pendidikan tentang Hipertensi terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Lansia di Desa Makamhaji Kartasura Sukoharjoen_US

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