Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Model Pembelajaran Kreativitas dan Cinta Tanah Air melalui Apresiasi Seni Tari (Learning Model for Creativity and Nationalism Through Dance Apprecition) 

      M. Thoyibi; Prihartanti, Nanik; Wahyudiarto, Dwi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      This study aims at developing a learning model for creativity and nationalism through dance appreciation. The study was conducted in two phases, namely module construction and its implementation. The activities related ...
    • Nilai-Nilai Inti untuk Pendidikan Karakt er 

      M. Thoyibi; Prihartanti, Nanik; Wahyudiarto, Dwi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      The study aims at identifying the values treasured in the society considered necessary to be taught to school children, and finding the priority order of the values.The subjects of the study were the teachers of Islamic ...
    • Pengembangan Instrumen Pengukuran Kesejahteraan Siswa 

      Karyani, Usmi; Prihartanti, Nanik; Prastiti, Wiwien Dinar; Lestari, Rini; Hertinjung, Wisnu Sri; Prasetyaningrum, Juliani; Yuwono, Susatyo; Partini, Partini (LPPM UMS, 2015-01-24)
      The aim of this study is to develop an instrument that can be used to measure students wellbeing according to the context of student life. The instruments are arranged in behavioral scale. Item in the scale is based on ...