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dc.contributor.authorLuhurningtyas, Fania Putri
dc.contributor.authorAprilliana, Melati
dc.contributor.authorAlifa, Gea Ros
dc.identifier.citation1. Adeneye, A. A., & Olagunju, J. A. (2009). Preliminary hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities of the aqueous seedextract of carica papaya linn in wistar rats. Biol Med, 1(1), 1-10. 2. Derosa, G., & Maffioli, P. (2014). Alkaloids in nature: pharmacological applications in clinical practice of berberine and mate tea. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 14(2), 200-206. 3. Dunn, R. A., Sharkey, J. R., & Horel, S. (2012). The effect of fast-food availability on fastfood consumption and obesity among rural residents: an analysis by race/ethnicity. Economics & Human Biology, 10(1), 1-13. 4. Harini, M., & Astirin, O. P. (2009). Blood cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemic rat (Rattus norvegicus) after VCO treatment. Nusantara Bioscience, 1(2). 5. Hosseinzadeh, H., & Nassiri-Asl, M. (2014). Review of the protective effects of rutin on the metabolic function as an important dietary flavonoid. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 37(9), 783-788. 6. Ismail, M., Al-Naqeep, G., & Chan, K. W. (2010). Nigella sativa thymoquinone-rich fraction greatly improves plasma antioxidant capacity and expression of antioxidant genes in hypercholesterolemic rats. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 48(5), 664-672. 7. Ismawati, F. O., & Yanwirasti, E. Y. (2016). Changes in expression of proteasome in rats at different stages of atherosclerosis. Anatomy & Cell Biology, 49(2), 99. 8. Julianti, T., Oufir, M., & Hamburger, M. (2014). Quantification of the antiplasmodial alkaloid carpaine in papaya (Carica papaya) leaves. Planta medica, 80(13), 1138-1142. 9. Laily, A. N., Suranto, S., & Sugiyarto, S. (2012). Characterization of Carica pubescens in Dieng Plateau, Central Java based on morphological characters, antioxidant capacity, and protein banding pattern. Nusantara Bioscience, 4(1). 10. Lestari, D., Sukandar, E. Y., & Fidrianny, I. (2015). Anredera cordifolia leaves extract as antihyperlipidemia and endothelial fat content reducer in male Wistar rat. Int. J. Pharm. Clin. Res, 7(6), 435-439. 11. Li, Y., Yao, J., Han, C., Yang, J., Chaudhry, M. T., Wang, S.,& Yin, Y. (2016). Quercetin, inflammation and immunity. Nutrients, 8(3), 167. 12. Pérez-Cano, F., & Castell, M. (2016). Flavonoids, inflammation and immune system. 13. Minarno, E. B. (2015). Skrining fitokimia dan kandungan total flavanoid pada buah carica pubescens lenne & k. Koch di kawasan bromo, cangar, dan dataran tinggi dieng. el–Hayah, 5(2), 73-82. 14. Mu’awwanah, A., & Ulfah, M. (2017). Uji aktivitas antioksidan fraksi n-heksan ekstrak etanol daun karika (carica pubescens) dan identifikasi senyawa alkaloid dan flavonoidnya. e-Publikasi Fakultas Farmasi, 118-124. 15. Murwani, S., Ali, M., & Muliartha, K. (2013). Diet aterogenik pada tikus putih (Rattus novergicus strain Wistar) sebagai model hewan aterosklerosis. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, 22(1), 6-9. 16. Novalina, D., Sugiyarto, S., & Susilowati, A. (2018). Aktivitas antibakteri kulit buah karika dieng terhadap shigella flexneri dan escherichia coli. Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium, 7(2), 53- 60. 17. Purwati, E., Ristanti, W. E., & Safitri, C. I. N. H. (2013). Effect of methanol extract of arcangelisia flava (l.) in high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic mice. 18. Supono, S., Susilowati, A., Purwantisari, S. U. S. I. A. N. A., & Kurniawati, F. N. (2015). Biokontrol Larva nyamuk aedes aegypti menggunakan limbah biji karika (vasconcellea pubescens). Pros Sem Nas Biodiv Indon, 1(5), 27-31. 19. Thompson, P. D., Panza, G., Zaleski, A., & Taylor, B. (2016). Statin-associated side effects. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(20), 2395-2410. 20. Wahjuni, S., Rustini, N. L., & Yuliantari, P. (2016). Pemberian ekstrak etanol buah buncis (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Untuk menurunkan kolesterol total, low density lipoprotein (ldl) dan meningkatkan high density lipoprotein (hdl) pada tikus wistar diet tinggi lemak. Jurnal Kimia (Journal of Chemistry).id_ID
dc.description.abstractBackground: Carica is a typical plant originating from the Dieng Plateau. Carica processed products leave waste in the form of Carica seeds which have not been utilized. Based on the previous study, Carica seeds contain tannin, flavonoids, and alkaloids, so in this study, Carica seeds extract was used in the antihyperlipidemic study. Objective: To analyze the reduction of total cholesterol and secondary metabolites in the ethanol extract of Carica seeds using thin-layer chromatography. Method: Extraction was carried out by the maceration method using 96% ethanol. Antihypercholesterolemic study used 6 groups of rats Wistar strains consisting of normal group, positive control, negative control, treatment 1 (200 mg / KgBB), treatment 2 (400 mg / KgBB), treatment 3 (600 mg / KgBB). Total cholesterol level tests were carried out by using a biosystem with diasysic reagents. Statistical tests were carried out with one way ANOVA followed by LSD post hoc tests. Result: Carica seed extract has flavonoids and alkaloids. The percentage decrease in cholesterol levels in treatments 1, 2 and 3 was 15% ± 11,619, 24% ± 8,813 and 21% ± 19,471 with a significance value in the one way ANOVA test was 0,000. Conclusion: The dosage variations of Carica seed extract Affects comparable to simvastatin in reducing total cholesterol levels.id_ID
dc.publisherISETH 2019 (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)id_ID
dc.titleIn Vivo Antihypercholesterolemic Effects of Caricapubescens Seeds Hypercholesterolemic-induced Ratsid_ID

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