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dc.contributor.authorQomarun, Qomarun
dc.contributor.authorRonald, Arya
dc.contributor.authorMoordiningsih, Moordiningsih
dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Ronim
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dc.description.abstractThe background of the study is a highly frequency of mass amok phenomenon in Solo City in the last several decades. Exploring the urban social disaster, this study observed the development of Solo City during 1740 to 2000. The purpose of this research is not only to explore the urban space damaged, but also to clarify the main formula of urban social disaster. The research is approached by rationalistic paradigm; while the method of study is conducted by the historical-archeology. This study finds that there are 26 accidents within 1-12 scale range of Urban Space Damaged (USD) during 1740-2000. The other finding is the main formula of urban social disaster as: (fm) = (fl) + (ft). The study shows that the bigger latent conflict (fl) occurs, the easier manifest conflict (fm) happens; while the urban social disaster is always in need of a trigger (ft). However, this study finds that the urban social disaster appears approximately every 10 years; while the victims of every accident are always seem in the collapse buildings, the dying people and the chaotic environment. Therefore, the urban spaces of Solo City usually have a setback period. According to the serial data, the main factors of latent conflicts (fl) are conducted by economic-disparity, social-leaderless and hypocrite-culture; while the several triggers (ft) are conducted by the activity of socio-politic, socio-economic and socio-culture. The study has yet to find the indicator and parameter of each factor’s formula so that this study suggests taking the advance research related to the detail formula of urban social disaster.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectUrban Social Disasteren_US
dc.subjectUrban Space Damageden_US

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