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dc.contributor.authorAsyanti, Setia
dc.contributor.authorSulistyanto, Meddy
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dc.description.abstractYoung people interest to become an entrepreneur is actually quite, it’s an exciting show trends in Indonesia. This phenomenon still needs serious attention from government, education and society Indonesia. The phenomenon becomes self-employment as an option profession in life, because of internal awareness and optimism became the focus of this research. Entrepreneurial not arise from compulsion, but rather on the ability to take the opportunity to do innovations in human life and become independent and successful in life. The purpose of this study is to understand the mental entrepreneurial actors, in particular optimism in initiating, encouraging and underwent efforts. Optimism when people face of various problems that arise, the courage to take risks, willingness to learn, leadership, and decision-making capabilities. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, by providing an open questionnaire to 369 entrepreneurs in the region of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The results showed that the optimism depart from the mental aspect of a strong motivation or intention in starting entrepreneurial activities, supported the attitude of perseverance, tenacity, perseverance in undergoing the process of entrepreneurship to solve financial problems, problems of cultivated goods, problems with customers or problems with self its own. From within its own problems can be overcome with unyielding attitude, confidence and combine the courage and patience. Family factors was instrumental in providing the motivation to be more optimistic in running entrepreneurial. The results of this study also showed that the initial motivation of entrepreneurs in starting a business is because of financial reasons, reasons of independence and hope for a hobby and ideals elaborated into something form-generating activities. Mental aspects required when starting a business is an intention or motivation and a strong spirit to start a business, the courage to start a business and persistence, patience and diligence in carrying out the process. Motivation starts with the assumption that behavior is organized to achieve these goals. Motivation becomes important in initiating entrepreneurial activities, because this motivation will be a powerful fuel that runs in achieving entrepreneurial success. The sources of the emergence of the mental aspect is largely derived from yourself, then get the example from the surrounding environment as well as the mental aspect of the exemplary family, friends, experiences upon the success of others. Mental aspects required when managing or running proceeds entrepreneurship, especially the unyielding attitude, courage and being patient, friendly and sincere in carrying out the process. Unyielding attitude and patience are part of the confidence in the outcome, so efforts will continue to be done to achieve the goal entrepreneurship. The problems often experienced when entrepreneurial activity is undergoing financial problems, problems associated with the merchandise, the problem with consumers as well as problems with self, such as lazy, less confident, less discipline, less rigorous or physical condition that limited support in the lead entrepreneurial. Optimism in the attainment of an achievement plays an important role. When a person or group of persons has the optimism that something good will happen then it would be gain social achievements. The characteristic attitude of optimism is the willingness to seek information (information seeking), actively adapt to the problem and capable of planning (active coping and planning), a framework to think and act in a positive (positive reframing), look for opportunities that can provide benefits (seeking benefit), the ability to use humor (use of humor), and a willingness to accept, adaptive to new changes (Cantor & Norem, 1989). Being patient and calm in the face of problems, a willingness to discuss with other people and keep looking for new strategies in carrying out entrepreneurial activity is a form of optimism of entrepreneurs. Unyielding attitude, persistence, tenacity, courage, patience and confidence that a person has the abilities to solve problems is an important key to that of the entrepreneurs in the region of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The family is the biggest driver in hand to provide motivation.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFUNDAMENTAL DIKTIen_US

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