Recent Submissions

  • Publish Letter 

    Unknown author (2013-04-02)
    We undersigned, 1. Umi Budi Rahayu, SSTFT., MKes Proffesion : Lecturer, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Indonesia 2. Dwi Rosella Komala Sari, SSTFT., MFis Proffesion : Lecturer, Muhammadiyah University of ...
  • Activation of the Brain to Improve Memory Ability after Stroke 

    Budi, Rahayu Umi (2013-04-02)
    Objectives: Impaired memory is one of the vital cognitive impairment, which is often a problem for people with stroke, and often stressful. Attempts to overcome this memory impairment is a need to consider. The purpose ...
  • Moderate Intensity and Low Intensity Aerobic Exercise To Dyslipidemia on Menopausal Woman 

    Rosella, Komala Sari Dwi (2013-02-27)
    Objectives: Dyslipidemia is the deviation fat content of one or more of lipid profil and common in menopausal woman. Becaused the role of the hormon estrogen decreases for the activation of the enzyme Lipoprotein Lipase ...