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dc.contributor.authorIntani, Dini
dc.identifier.citationAnonim, 1987, Buku Utama Sistem Jaringan Pipa, DPUD Jenderal Cipta Karya Direktorat Air Bersih. _______, Spesifikasi Pralon uPVC & Fittings, PT Pralon Corporation. _______, 1999, Kabupaten Magelang dalam Angka 1999, Pemerintah Daerah dan Kantor Pusat Statistik BPS Kabupaten Magelang. Haestad, 1998, WaterCad for Windows Version 3.0, On-line Help Text, Haestad, USA. Kamulyan, B., 2000, Teknik Lingkungan II, Perkiraan Kebutuhan Air, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjahmada. Linsley, R. K., dan Franzini, J. B, 1986, Teknik Sumber Daya Air Jilid I, Edisi Ketiga, Terjemahan Djoko Sasongko, Jakarta : Penerbit Airlangga. Linsley, R. K., dan Franzini, J. B, 1986, Teknik Sumber Daya Air Jilid II, Edisi Ketiga, Terjemahan Djoko Sasongko, Jakarta : Penerbit Airlangga. Muliakusuma, Sutarsih, 1981, Proyeksi Penduduk, Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Priyantoro, Dwi, 1991, Hidrolika Saluran Tertutup, Malang: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya. Rizka Aryza, Brevian, 2001, Simulasi dan Optimasi Jaringan Air Bersih Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan Menggunakan Program WaterCad Versi 3.0, Tugas Akhir, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Taufiq, M., 1998, Pengenalan Paket Program LOOP dan WADISO untuk Perencanaan Air Bersih, Malang: Pelatihan Profesional Calon Sarjana Jurusan Pengairan. Triadmodjo, B., 1993, Hidraulika I, Penerbit Beta Offset, Yogyakarta. Triatmadja, Radianta, 2000, Simulasi Jaringan Penyedia Air Bersih, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjectives of this research are to study any planning and development efforts taken by the PDAM Tirta Gemilang of Magelang District, especially Kota Muntilan, in order to fulfill its service target. It is by viewing the technical aspect, particularly the pipe network efficiency. Simulation results using the WaterCAD 3.0 show several junctions with pressure greater than 50 m H 0 are found in the pipe network of the PDAM Muntilan. To decrease the pressure, use of a pressure releasing structure can be alternative utilized. Due to the excessive water supply at ground reservoir of Gondosuli, there is a large amount of water during the existing condition. To have an efficient function of the reservoir, water supply from Semaren should be opened only based on the 2 existing need. Mostly, water velocity at existing condition is still 0,1 m/sec because the pipe diameter is wider than the size needed. However, this condition is still allowable since the flow is turbulence. There are no significant changes between the pipe condition in the year 2015 and the existing condition, in which water demand can still be fulfilled although the demand rises. Based on the simulation of the existing condition, the alternative model for the existing pipe which have technical advantages are the network pipes with smaller diameter adjusted to water demand, and smaller volume of Gondosuli ground reservoir. These may result in more efficient and economical cost of Rp 416.818.750,00. The allocation of this cost can then be utilized for the development of a wider network.en_US
dc.publisherMagister Teknik Sipil UMSen_US
dc.subjectnetwork efficiencyen_US

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