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dc.contributor.authorParahita, Ivana Kusuma
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Arum
dc.identifier.citationBrems&Kasin.,2000.The Element Of Percepsion in comunition (online), http://googlescholaar//, diakses 7 oktober 2009. Capernito, L. J., 2000. Fundamental of Nursing (Terjemahan) . Jakarta: EGC. Gibson,Endruw,Steven.S.,2005, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 2. Terjemahan Benyamin Molan. Jakarta. Prenhalindo Ihsan, Fuad. 2003. Dasar- Dasar Kependidikan. Jakarta : Rinieka Cipta. Indrawijaya, A.I. 2000. Perilaku Organisasi. Jakarta: Sinar Baru Algensindo Jean, M.C.2000. Aprasial performance .(online) http://aprasial2009/10/11/manajemen-kepemimpinan-penilaian-kinerja-baku/, diakses 7 oktober 2009. Kiswanto. 2005 Hubungan Persepsi Perawat Terhadap Fungsi Manajemen Kepala Ruang Dengan Kinerja Perawat Di Ruang Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sleman. Skripsi (Tidak Diterbitkan). Nursalam. 2002. Managemen Keperawatan: Aplikasi dalam Praktik Keperawatan Profesional. Jakarta: Salemba Medika Petra. 2007. Kinerja dan Pengukurannya.( online) http://DigitalCollections/jiunkpe/s1/hotl/2004/jiunkpe-ns-s1-2004-33499145-6-kinerjaappendices, Diakses tanggal 14 oktober 2009Riharjo. 2001. Peran dan Fungsi Perawat di Rumah sakit.(Jurnal Ilmiah) Analisis Kinerja Kepala Ruang…. (Ivana Kusuma dan Arum Pratiwi) 92 http://google//DigitalCollections/jiunkpe/s1/hotl/2004/jiunkpe-ns-s1-2004-334991456perawat-dalam-aplikasi/.com, Diakses tanggal 14 oktober 2009 Swanburg, RC & Swanburg RJ, 2000, Kepemimpinan Dan Manajemen Keperawatan, Jakarta : EGC. Walgito, B. 2002. Psikologi Sosial (Suatu Pengantar) Edisi 3. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.en_US
dc.description.abstractn globalization era, hospitals were required to improve aprasial performance and competitiveness as a business entity, without prejudice to the social mission that carried. It was needed strategic policies, among others the efficiency of the (organization, management, and human resources) and must be able to quickly and accurately make decisions for the improvement of service to the community. A low manager was the key managers with in the hospital. In performing of duties a low manager in charge of coordinating the conduct of nursing care. Performance of low manager would be assessed according to the perception of nursing staff, whether the a low manager was appropriate performance standards which had been determined by the hospital. The objecetive of this research was aim to describe the performance of low manager after receiving management training by nursing staff perceptions at the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta. The kind of this research was experimental design with one group before-after studies using cross sectional approach. The population counted 202 people. With a level of confidence was 10%, total sample obtained 67 respondents. Technique sampling used proportional random sampling. Data were obtained after giving a questionnaire immediately before the low manager got management training, and after receiving management training.The data analysis used paired-samples t test. The mean results showed that staff nursing perceptions on the performance of low manager before got manajement training was an average rating of 47.01 point, after receiving management training average was 56.97 point. Results of analiyst test showed p = 0.001, it mean that there were differences low manager performance after receiving management training by nursing staff perception at PKU Muhammadiyah Islamic Hospital of Surakarta. The conclusion of this research were that perception of nursing staffs toward low manager performance before get a management training was (68.7%), after had got management training up to 80.6%. There were differences of low manager performance after receiving management training by nursing staff perception at PKU Muhammadiyah Islamic Hospital of Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectow manager aprasial performanceen_US
dc.subjectnursing managementen_US
dc.subjectnursing staff perceptionsen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kinerja Kepala Ruang setelah mendapat Pelatihan Manajemen Keperawatan Menurut Persepsistaf Keperawatan Di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US

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