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dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Dini Restiyanti
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Laili Etika
dc.contributor.authorAdzim, Sukron
dc.contributor.authorFaizah, Naimul
dc.identifier.citationHidayatullah, Furqon. 2010. Guru Sejati: Membangun Insan Berkarakter Kuat dan Cerdas. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka. Kemdiknas. 2010. Pedoman Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB). Direktorat Jendral Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik Tenaga Kependidikan. Permenpan. 2009. Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya. Kemenpan & Reformasi Birokrasi. PP Muhammadiyah. 2010. Profil Satu Abad Muhammadiyah. Yogjakarta: PP Muhammadiyah. Rohmadi, Muhammad. 2012. Menjadi Guru Profesional Berbasis Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG) dan Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB). Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka. Suwandi, Sarwiji. 2009. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Surakarta: Panitia Sertifikasi Guru Rayon 13 FKIP UNS Surakarta. Undang- undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen.en_US
dc.description.abstractProblems faced by partners, the kindergarten teachers of Aisiyah in Grogol are (1) lack of understanding of the nature and concept of PKB, (2) lack of understanding that writing scientific papers or scientific publications is one of the activities of the CBA, (3) lack of interest kindergarten teachers in writing competence, (4) difficulties in extracting ideas, and (4) lack of confidence for expressing ideas in writing. Problem resolution process are (1) invite kindergarten teachers of Aisiyah in Grogol for training / workshop begins with the deepening of the nature and the concept of PKB and emphazing that writing is important and (2) provide motivation and guidance to encourage teachers to observe surroundings, brooding, and imagination to explore ideas. The result of the Community Service activities are the teachers’ understanding of the PKB that affect PKG as well as understanding and motivation of teachers to write as a form of continuing professional development which has impact on the performance assessment of the teachers to achieve professional teachers.en_US
dc.subjectpengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutanen_US
dc.subjectmenulis itu pentingen_US
dc.subjectpublikasi ilmiah populer.en_US
dc.titlePakom bagi Guru-Guru TK/BA Majlis Dikdasmen Pimpinan Cabang Aisiyah Grogol Sukoharjo Dalam Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) melalui Publikasi Ilmiah Populeren_US

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