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dc.contributor.authorDonie, Syahrul
dc.identifier.citationAnonimus, 2003. Monografi Desa Purwoharjo, Kecamatan Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Tahun 2003. Chambers, R., 1983. Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa: Mulai dari Belakang. LP3ES. Donie, S., 2006. Masyarakat Yang Tinggal Di Daerah Rawan Longsor: Interpretasi, Penyebab dan Strategi Adaptasi. Thesis, Universitas Gajahmada, Yogyakarta. Hindaryoen, N., 2000. Kondisi Lingkungan Kian Rapuh: Dari Musibah Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Jawa Tengah. Kompas 20-11-2000. Hirnawan, F., 1994. Pemahaman Sistem Dinamis Kestabilan Lereng untuk Mitigasi Kebencanaan Longsor. Disampaikan pada Simposium Nasional Mitigasi Bencana Alam di UGM 16-17 September 1994. Kartiwati, D., 2003. Ditemukan 13 Lokasi Baru Rawan Longsor di Purworejo. Harian Kompas, Desember 2003.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe study examined the extent of community appreciation or response to government policies at the potential lanslide areas and the influencing reasons. By interviewing 35 representative informants, men and women, and divided into old, young and adult, then the data are analyzed and interpreted using the theory of action and the theory of symbolic. The results showed, the community, dominated by the farmer, were able to respond and deeply understood the government policies, particularly policies of spatial planning. This was indicated by the increasing knowledge of the community against areas that were prone to landslide and other sign that the region was going to experience a landslide. Almost all respondents said that they live in hilly areas prone to landslides, and they knew how to cope with and respond to these signs. However, government policy declaring that the community were expected to move from the area considered as dangerous was still lack of community’s attention. This was due to the undersired experiences of the community in the new area which did not make their lives better, both in terms of livelihood as well as in terms of their social-culture life.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectlandslide potential areain_ID
dc.subjectgevernment policiesin_ID
dc.subjectcommunity responsesin_ID
dc.subjectdaerah rawan longsorin_ID
dc.subjectkebijakan pemerintahin_ID
dc.subjectrespon masyarakatin_ID
dc.titleCommunity Response to Government Policies at The Potential Landslide Area: The Case in Kuloprogo Regencyin_ID

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