Peningkatan Kemampuan Menalar dan Memecahkan Masalah Matematika dengan Model Inquiry Learning Berbasis Group Investigation pada Siswa Kelas VII Semester 1 SMP Negeri 2 Grobogan Tahun 2014/2015

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Rimbayanto, Alek
Setyaningsih, Nining
Show full item recordAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know the improvement of
reasoning and resolving mathematics problem ability with Inquiry Learning
model based Group Investigation (GI). The study uses classroom action
research method carry out two cycles. The subject of research are students and
mathematics teacher of VII D grade, SMP Negeri 2 Grobogan in 2014/2015
academic year. The techniques of data collection are observation, test, and
document. The technique of data analysis is plot technique, consist of three
plot are data analysis, data presentation, and data verificatian. The result of
this research shows the increasing of reasoning and resolving mathematics
problem ability, it can be shown by 1) the ability to describe problem in a
symbolic manner with manipulation symbol, raised up from 31,25% to
80,64%, 2) the ability to understand problem (list of what is known and
asked), raised up from 31,25% to 93,55%, 3)the ability to plan solution
method of a problem (pattern, framework), raised up from 15,625% to
93,55%, 4) the ability to implement the plan of solution method (work
process), raised up from 15,625% to 80,64%, 5) the ability to interpret the
solution of the problem, raised up 9,325% to 58,06%, and 6) the ability to take
conclusion from mathematics problem (opinion, conclusion), raised up from
6,25% to 58,06%. The research conclude that Inquiry Learning model based
Group Investigation (GI) can improve the ability of reasoning and resolving
mathematics problem in students of VII D grade, SMP Negeri 2 Grobogan,
especially for proportion and scale.