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dc.contributor.authorRauf, Rusdin
dc.contributor.authorMuhtadi, Muhtadi
dc.contributor.authorHarismah, Kun
dc.contributor.authorSaifuddin, Saifuddin
dc.identifier.citationDuncan, K., Chompoothong, N., dan Burnette, R., (2012), Produksi Sayuran di Sepanjang Musim Hujan, ECHO Asia Notes, A Regional Supplement to ECHO Development Notes Issue 13, April 2012, diakses pada 4 Maret 2015 Koswara, S., (2009), Teknologi Pengolahan Sayuran dan Buah-Buahan (Teori Dan Praktek),, diakses pada 2 Maret 2015. Muhtadi, Rauf, R., Harismah, K., dan Saifudin, (2015), Pemitra bagi Pengembangan Produk Olahan Sayuran di Desa Sindon Kecamatan Ngemplak Kabupaten Boyolali, Laporan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Tidak Dipublikasikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Rusmana, D., Saefulhadjar, D., (2007), Pengaruh Pengolahan Limbah Sayuran Secara Mekanis Terhadap Kecernaan dan Efisiensi Penggunaan Protein pada Ayam Kampung Super, Penelitian Peneliti Muda, Tidak Dipublikasikan, Universitas Padjajaran Bandung. Santoso, A., (2011), Serat Pangan (Dietary Fiber) Dan Manfaatnya Bagi Kesehatan, Magistra, No. 75 Th. XXIII Maret 2011, 35-40. Slamet, A., (2011), Fortifikasi Tepung Wortel dalam Pembuatan Bubur Instan, AGROINTEK Vol 5, No. 1 Maret 2011, 1-8. Syahza, A., (2003), Peluang Pengembangan Agribisnis Sayur-Sayuran di Kabupaten Karimun Riau, Jurnal SAGU, Vol. 2 No. 3, 27-33.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe development of a variety of products processed from starchy vegetables needed to be trained and applied for the farmers of vegetables to help cope with the price of vegetables was very cheap and increased its economic value. This activity aimed to develop products processed from starchy vegetables in the village of Sindon-Ngemplak-Boyolali, which was expected to increase economic value, both in terms of revenues, new business development and the welfare of farmers. The partner of community development activities were ibu-ibu PKK , pengajian Aisyah and kelompok wanita tani (KWT) "Mawar" in the Sindon village. The method was used in this activity included the application of science and technology on the manufacture of starchy vegetables, assisting the production of a variety of processed starchy vegetables namely wet noodles, instant noodles, and biscuits were made from vegetable starch. Results and implications that have been obtained from this activity all women group partners have been able to master the skills to cultivate vegetable flour into wet noodle products, instant noodles and biscuits. However, the constraints and problems still exist was the ability to develop the marketing of starchy vegetables products from the group of women partners is still very low.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectProducts processed starchy vegetablesin_ID
dc.subjectwet and instant noodlesin_ID
dc.subjectthe group of women partners Sindon Villagein_ID
dc.titlePendampingan Pembuatan Mie Dan Biskuit Dari Tepung Sayuran Pada Kelompok Ibu-Ibu Petani di Desa Sindon Ngemplak Boyolaliin_ID

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