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dc.contributor.authorWachidah, Nur Hanif
dc.contributor.authorJamuin, Ma’arif
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dc.description.abstractEducative interaction is an enteraction which continues conciously and planned to give reciprocity relation between educator and learners. Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan are the figures who respected the pragmatic : (1) to relate the comparison of educative interaction, (2) to describe the steps of educative interaction implementation according to Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. This research is approachment, and the method of analyzing data uset comparative. Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan put the fitrah of intelligence as the basic of knowledge. In order to get the knowledge, educative interaction happen between the teacher and learners from the research have found that: (1) the similaritles of educative interaction between Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan are in the aspect of the objective, methode, and the steps of study before teaching learning proces, (2) the differences of educative interaction between Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan are in the aspect of educative in interaction idea, the instrument, evaluation, and the step before and after teaching learning proces, (3) there are some steps that implemented by Ibnu Khaldun and K.H. Ahmad Dahlan: 1) before teaching, which include the learners skill and adaptation ability that appropriate with learners intelligence level, 2) teaching, by talking the educative interaction component attractively through education implementation completely, 3) after teaching, evaluate the interactive interaction in the time, before during the balance of the cognitive, afective and psychomotoric activities.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectEducative Interactionin_ID
dc.titleStudi Komparatif Interaksi Edukatif dalam Konsep Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun dan K.H. Ahmad Dahlanin_ID

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