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dc.contributor.authorKomaryatin, Nurul
dc.identifier.citationAlberto P. Capati et. Al, 1993, In Search of New and Innovative Conncepts for Small Scale Enterprise Promotion, Paper and Proceeding of the International Conference on New and Innovative Concepts for small Scale Enterprise Promotion held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14-16 December 1992, Library National University of Singapore. Anonymous, 1992, Profil Industri Kecil di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Laporan Penelitian oleh FE dan LPPM Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarka, dalam Karya Penelitian Universitas Atmajaya, Edisi 2 Tahun I, November 1992. Anonymous, 1994, Kebijaksanaan Departemen perdagangan dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Ekspor Industri Kecil di Jawa Timur, Kanwil Departemen Perdagangan Jawa Timur. Bambang Setiaji, 1996, Wanita Pekerja Industri Rumah Tangga : Kesejahteraan dan Perlindungan Hak, dalam Akademika No. 01/Th. XIV/1996, Muhammadiyah Press, Surakarta. Budi Sutrisno, 1994, Industrialisasi Indonesia : Antara Strategi dan Realisasi : Sebuah Catatan terhadap kendala dan Prospek Industrialisasi Indonesia, dalam Akademika No. 02, Th. XII, 1994, Muhamadiyah Press, Surakarta Babacus, E. dan Boller, 1992, An Empirical Assesmentof the SERQUAL scale, Journal of Business Research, 24, hal 253-268 Chayanov, A.V, 1966, The Theory of Peasant Economy, Manchester University Press. Crosby, P.B, 1979, Quality is Free The Art of Marketing Quality Certain, Mc. Graw Hill Book Company Cronin, J.J dan Taylor, A.S, 1992, Measuring Service Quality: A Reeximination and Extension, Journal of Marketing, 56, hal 55-68 Dean. J.W, dan Bowen. D.E, 1994, Management Theory and Total Quality; Improving Research and Practice Throuhg Theory Development, Academy of Management Review Fandy.T, 2000, Prinsip-prinsip Total Quaty Service, Andi Yogya Handriana. T, Analisis Perbedaan Harapan Kulaitas Jasa pada Lembaga Pendidkan Tinggi di Surabaya, Tesis Kettinger.J.W DAN Lee. C.C, 1994, Perceived Service Qualty and User Satisfaction with the Information Service Function, Decision Science, 23, hal 737-766 Lewis. R.g, dan Smith. D.h, 1994, Total Quality in Higer Education, Delray Beach, Florida: St. Lucie Press Marwah M. Diah, 2006, Good Corporate Governance, Materi Diskusi Ilmiah Program Pasca Sarjana Magister Ilmu Hukum Uniisula Republik Indonesia, Undang-Undang No. 22 tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. _______________, Undang-Undang No. 25 tahun 1999 tentang Perimbangan Keuangan Antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah. Stamatis. D.H, 1996, Total Quality Service, St, Lucia Press, USA Stamatis. D.H, 1996, Total Quality Service: Principles, Practice & Implementation, Singapore: SSMB Publising Divisionin_ID
dc.description.abstractSMEs have an important position in the development of the Indonesian economy. It can be demonstrated by its contribution to GDP, employment, and the circulation of the resources of the area. Judging from the quantity, type of business that is ranked highest. Thus empowering SMEs Cain Troso be paramount and need to be considered. The formulation of a quality measure based on profit optimization models and dimensions relative economic efficiency of SMEs Cain Troso, formula effective stimulation, relevant and specific for the promotion and development of industries Cain Troso susceptible to the formation of local business groups entrenched, cohesive and managed autonomously. Stabilization of the model is done through a participatory diagnostic test group to produce a stimulant formula that diperlukan.Tahun second, evaluation stimulant, reconstruction stimulant to obtain a steady stimulant for SMEs Cain Troso.in_ID
dc.subjectEconomy Relativein_ID
dc.titleModel Optimalisasi Keuntungan dan Efisiensi Ekonomi Relatif pada UKM Kain Troso Jeparain_ID

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