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dc.contributor.authorWindyastuti, Erlina
dc.contributor.authorRaksanagara, Ardini S.
dc.contributor.authorSari, Citra Windani Mambang
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dc.description.abstractMaternal health status is the one of indicator to identified the health of women who described through maternal morbidity and mortality. Pregnant women and families need to implement appropriate labor planning to increase the coverage of access to health services. This study aim to analyzed the effect of family based education birth preparedness program on behavior of the implementation of labor on pregnant woman in Puskesmas Pasundan. Research this method used quasi eksperimental, pretest and posttest with control group design. Sampling was done with purpossive sampling technique and there were 70 pregnant woman devided into the intervention group and control group with lottery technique. The intervention received birth preparedness education program involving family participation by home visit two times, counseling, and home visit follow- up. The data were analyzed using paired t-test, independent t-test, wilcoxon test and man- whitney test. Result of this study showed that family based education program significantly improved the knowledge (p< 0,00), attitude (p< 0,00) and the behavior of the implementation of labor on pregnant woman (p< 0,00). This result indicated that family based birth preparedness education program enhanced the behavior of the implementation of labor on pregnant woman.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectfamily based educationin_ID
dc.subjectpregnant womanin_ID
dc.subjectthe implementation of laborin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Program Edukasi Berbasis Keluarga Terhadap Perilaku Keluarga dalam Pelaksanaan Persalinanin_ID

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