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dc.contributor.authorNursahal, Nursahal
dc.contributor.authorUlvie, Yuliana Noor Setiawati
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dc.description.abstractIodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is the main nutrition al problem in Indon esia. Dawe Su bd istrict Holy District including endemic areas was the Total Goiter Rate ( TGR) 27% . Levels of iodine in sa lt is inf luenced b y several factors, including the time an d mann er of storage of salt. The aim of research to determine differences in salt form, method s of storage, storage du ration and level of iodine in salt in the highlands and lowland s in the PHC Dawe Holy District. The study design ana lytic types of non-experimental research. Samples were mothers plateau region 89 and the low-lying areas to 100 people. Analysis of the data used is the t-test. The results showed that peop le in the highlands and lowlands most of the salt consumed in the form of brick , the old salt storage of 21 days, the storage method in the highlands in a dry place open, wh ile people lowland salt form of brick , it is stored in part large covered dry place. There is a difference between salt form, long storage and iodine content in the sa lt consumed by the pu blic, while the storage method there is no difference between upland areas and lowland commun ities. The final conclusion is no diff erence between salt form, long storage and iodine con tent in the salt consumed by the public, while the storage method there is no difference between upland areas and lowland communities in Puskesmas Da we Holy District.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectType of saltin_ID
dc.subjectsalt storage modein_ID
dc.subjectstorage Old Saltin_ID
dc.subjectIodine levels in saltin_ID
dc.titleKarakteristik Konsumsi Garam Beryodium Dataran Tinggi dan Rendah Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Dawe Kabupaten Kudusin_ID

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