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dc.contributor.authorSutaryono, Sutaryono
dc.contributor.authorAndasari, Sholikhah Deti
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Nurul
dc.identifier.citationAllen, D.A., Harwood, S.M., Varagunam, M., Raf tery, M.J. and Yaqoob, M.M., 2003 . High gluk osa induced oxida tive streee causes ap topsosis in proximal tubular epithelial cells and mediated by multiple caspases. FSEB J, 17(8):908-910. American diabetes Association (Committee Report),2003. Report of the Expert Committee on the Diag nosis an d Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Diab etes Care 26 (Suppp lement 1) : S5- 20 . Azna m, N., 2004 , Uji Ak tivitas antiok sidan Ek strak Kunyit (Curcuma domestica, Val), Prosiding Semnas Penelitian, Pendidik an dan Penerapan MIPA, Hotel Sa hid Raya. Evans, J.L., Goldfine, I.D., Maddux, B.A. and Grodsk y, G.M., 2002. Oxidative stress an d stress-activated signaling pathways: a unifying hypothesis of type 2 diabetes. Endocrine Rev, 23(5):599-622. Jak us, V., 20 00. The role of free radical, oxidative stress an d antioxidant system in diabetic yascular disease. Bratisl Lek Listy, 101 (10):54 1-55 1. Heim KE, Tagliaf erro AR, Tagliaferro AR, Bobolya DJ. 2002. Dietary Estrog ens and Antiestro gens. Dida lam : Helf erich W & Winter CK, editor. Food Toxik olog y. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Hlm. 3 7-55. Koo , J.R. and Vaziri, N.D. 2003. Effects of diabetes, insulin and antioxidants on NO synthase abundance and NO interaction with reactive oxygen species Kidney International. 63 : 195-201. Latief M, Taf zi F., da n Saputra A., 201 3,Ak tivitas Antiok sidan Ek strak Metanol Beberapa Bagian Tanaman Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burman i) Asal Kab upaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi, Prosiding Semirata FMIPA Universitas Lampung , 2 013 Price, S.A. and Wilson , L.M. 20 06. Patofisiologi : Kon sep Klinis Proses - Proses Pen yak it. Edisi 6. EGC, Jakarta. Su ryawanshi, N.P., Bhutey, A.K., Nag deote, A.N., Jadhav, A.A. and Manoo rkar, G.S. 200 6. Study of lipid pereoxide an d lipid profile in diabetes mellitus. Indian J Clin Biochem, 21 (1):126-130. Tja y, T. H., Kirana, R. 20 07. Obat-Obat Penting Kha siat, Penggun aan, dan Efek Samping nya. PT Gramedia Pustak a Utama, Jak arta. WHO, 19 94. Technical Report Series no. 884. Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus,WHO, Jeneva. Xing Z., Jiao WU., Zhuan g H., Wen-li M and Hao-fu D. 20 10. Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Pheno lic compounds of Areca Nut (Areca catechu), CHEM. RES. CHINESE UNI VERSITIES 201 0, 26(1), 161 —164.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis purpose of this research was to determine the effect of a mixture of bee po llen, rhizome of Kaempf eria Galanga po wder, Curcuma longa powder, betel nut, and cinnamomum po wder to a decrease in MDA levels in wistar rats after Streptozotocin-indu ced. Streptozo tocin work s by da maging pancreatic β cell. Mecha nism of pancreatic β cell damage du e to alk ylation of DNA methylation inhibits the secretion of insulin, causing the levels of MDA ride. Mice w ith the age of 11th months, divided into 6 groups rando mly. Group A was a negat ive c ontrol group, whic h was made w ithout the a dministration of STZ a nd mixture of extract orally. Group B was the positive contro l group, the rats were given STZ and without a mixture of extract. Group C to E was treatment grou p (mixture of bee bee pollen, rhizome of Kaempferia Galanga po wder, Curcuma longa powder, betel nut, and cinna momum with a ra ting dose of 200 mg/kgBB , 250 mg/kgBB , dan 300 mg/kgBB dur ing initia tion). Dosage, f requency and mode of ad ministration of STZ sa me as the po sitive control group. While the grou p F was a group of rats that were given STZ, metrofin and without a mixture of extract. The Sa mples of plasma was measured malondialdehyde level. Malondialdehyde was measured by TBARS method e, which measures the concentration of thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Sub stance. The absorbance was measured with a wavelength of 532 nm. A mixture of extract was ab le to provide reduced levels of MDA in rats with Streptozo tocin- induced, but from each treatment group there was no significant difference.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectOxidative Stresin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Pemberian Campuran Bee Pollen, Rimpang Kencur, Kunyit dan Biji Pinang Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Malondialdehida (MDA) pada Tikus Wistar Pasca Paparan Streptozotocinin_ID

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