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dc.contributor.authorAstuning, Aginasti Priyawan
dc.contributor.authorMutmainah, Nurul
dc.identifier.citationBMJ Group and RPS Publishing Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2009, British National Formulary 57March 2009, Germany: GGP Media, 801-817 Busta mi & Setiawat i, 2000. Far mak olog i dan Terapi IV., Jakarta : Bagia n Farma kologi Fa kultas Kedoktera n UI. Choba nian, A. V., Bakris , G. L. , B lack, H. R., Cushma n, W. C. , Green, L.A. , Jose ph, L. I., 2003. The Sevent Report of the Joint Nationa l C ommitte on Prevention, Detection and Treatment of H igh B lood Pressure, The Co mplete Report, Departeme nt of Hea lth and H uman Service , New York. DeBelhs R.J., Smith, B.S., Cawley P.A., Burniske, G.M., 2000, Drug Dosing in Critically Ill Patients with Renal Failure: A Pharmacokinetic Approach, J. Intensive Care Med, 15: 273-313. Dipiro, J. T., Talbert, R. L., Yee, G. C., Matzke, G. R., Wells, B. G., & Posey, L M., 2008. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, New York: McGraw-Hill Companies. Fendasari, N., 2011. Eva luas i Penggunaan Obat Antidiabet ik pada Pasie n D iabetes Me litus Tipe 2 di I nsta las i Rawat I nap RSUD Dr. R. Soe djat i Soe modiar jo Purwodadi Kabupate n Gr obogan Ta hun 2009. Sk ripsi. Fakultas Far mas i, UM S. Fitrianto, H., Azmi, S. & Kadri, H., 2014. Artikel Penelitian Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi pada Pasien Hipertensi Esensial di Poliklinik Ginjal Hipertensi RSUP DR . M . Djamil., 3(1), pp.45–48. Gunawa n, S. G., Setia budy, R., Nafr ia ldi, Elysa beth, 200 8. Farmak ologi dan Terapi, Jakarta : Fa kultas Kedokteran Univers itas Indones ia. Herdanto, D. , 20 10. Pre- Clinical Review: Kompetensi Dasar Dalam Pendidikan Kedokteran, Yogya karta : Y uda Herdantoproduct ion. KDIGO, 2013. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. official Journal of the International Society of Nephrology, 3(1). Mansjoer , A., Triyanti, K., Sa vitri, R., Wardhani, W., & Setiowula n, W. , 2001. Kap ita Selek ta Kedokteran Jilid 1, E. , Jakarta : Media Aesculapius , FKUI. Martin, J., 2008. H ypertension Guide lines : Revis iting THE JNC 7 Recomme ndations. The journal of Lancaster General Hospital, 3. Muchid, A., Umar, F., Chusun., Masrul., Wurjati, R., Purnama. N. R., 2006. Pharmaceutical Care untuk Penyakit Hipertensi, Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI. Puspitawati, P., 2009. Ka jia n Ketepatan Pemiliha n dan Dosis Obat Antihipertensi Pada Pender ita Hipertens i di I nsta las i Rawat I nap RSUD K ota Sa lat iga Tahun 2008. Skripsi. Univers itas Muhamma diyah Sura karta. Raha jeng, E. & Tumina h, S., 2007. Prevalensi Hipertensi dan Determina nnya di Indo nesia. Sukandar, E. Y., Andrajati, R., Sigit, J. I., Adynyana, I. K., Setiadi, A. P., K., 2008. ISO Farmakoterapi, Jakarta: PT ISFI Penerbitan.in_ID
dc.description.abstractHypertension is k nown to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many other countries, is a maj or risk factor for complication such as strok e, myocardial inf arction, vascular disease, and chronic k idn ey disease. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is considered still high so that necessary eff orts n eed tobe taken to suppress it. The purpo se of this research was to determine the rationality of an tihypertensive drug prescribtion toward hypertension patien t with complication at ho spital X Su rakarta in 2014 that should meet the criteria for the right do sage, right patient and the righ t drug . This research is considered as non-experimental stud y with descriptive analysis. The sampling was tak en by purposive sampling. The da ta was tak en f rom the medical records of the hypertension patient with complications at hospital ward X Su rakarta in 2014 retrospectively. Based on the research condu cted in the use of antihypertensive drug s toward h ypertensive pa tients with complica tions at Hospital X Surakarta in 20 14, it can be con cluded tha t the use of an tihyp ertensive drugs is 69 % meet the parameters of the right medication, 97% meet the pa rameters of the proper dosage an d 100% meet exact parameters of pa tients, While the most frequently an tihypertensive drugs used is Furosemide which is a rou nd 60%.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjecthospital X Surakartain_ID
dc.titleEvaluasi Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi pada Pasien dengan Hipertensi Komplikasi di Rumah Sakit X Surakarta Tahun 2014in_ID

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