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dc.contributor.authorWaskito, Jati
dc.contributor.authorIrawati, Zulfa
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the differences in underlying psychological aspects regarding pro environmental behaviors between two distinct consumer groups: green product purchasers and green product non purchasers, it seeks to investigate these psichological aspects cognitive attitude, affective attitude, social norm, and behavioral intention. Using survey method, a total of 276 responses from Solo, Jogyakarta, and Semarang consumers were used for the data analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to check the measurement model, and a multiple regression and MANOVA were performed to test the proposed. Compared to green product non-purchased, green product purchasers exhibited significantly higher levels of cognitive attitude, affective attitude, social norm, personal norm, and green consumer behavior. Also cognitive, affective attitude, and personal norm predicted green consumer behavior. The limitations of this study include the self-reporting questionnare and the measurmenet of consumers’ recycling intention rather than their actual behaviorin_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectpro environmental behaviorsin_ID
dc.subjectcognitive attitudein_ID
dc.subjectaffective attitudein_ID
dc.subjectsocial normin_ID
dc.subjectbehavioral intentionin_ID
dc.titleMemahami Praktik Perilaku Pro Lingkungan Berdasar pada Sikap, Norma, dan Perilaku Konsumenin_ID

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