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dc.contributor.authorKuswandi, M.
dc.contributor.authorKrismiyati, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Broto
dc.identifier.citationBelinda P., 2011, StudiReaksiEsterifikasi Antara AsamGalat Dan GliserolDenganMenggunakanGelomba ngMikro, Skripsi, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia. Jumina., Siswanta D., danZulkarnain A., 2001, SintesisdanUjiAktivitasBiologisTurun anAntibiotik C-9154 darivanilin, Yogyakarta, MajalahFarmasi Indonesia 12(2), 85-91. Kaur R., Kaur K., Gupta L., Dhir N. and Gaganpret, 2014. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Gallic acid Peptide Derivatives, Khalsa College of Pharmacy, GurusarSudhar, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, International Journal Pharmacist, 4:16-21. Kumar S. 2008, Rufigallol-based self- assembled supramolecular architectu- res, International Journal of PharmTech Research, 81(1) 113–128. Kuswandi M, 2015, Docking 4-formil-2- metoksifenil 3,4,5 trihidroksibenzoat, Yogyakarta, Belumdipublikasikan. Pavia,D.L., Lapman, G.M., Kriz, G.S., Dan Vyvyan,J.A., 2008, Introduction to Spectroscopy, 4thedition, Brooks Cole Rastuti U., Jumina., Matsjeh S., 2009, Sintesis 6-nitro verataldehid (3,4- dimetoksi-6-nitro benzaldehid) darivanilindengan HNO3 dancampuran HNO3-H2SO4, International Journal of Pharma, Vol.4, 62-72. Ritmaleni and Nurcahyani W., 2006, Sintesis 4-fenil-3,4-tetrahidro-indeno [2,1]- pirimidin-2-on (LR-1), MajalahFarmasi Indonesia, 17 (3), 149–155. Sarker, D.S., danNahar, L., 2009, Kimia untukmahasiswafarmasi :Bahankimiaorganik, AlamdanUmum, Terjemahandari Chemistry For Pharmacy Students: General Organic and Natural Product Chemistry, oleh Wiley, John., and Ltd, Son., PustakaPelajar, Yogyakartain_ID
dc.description.abstractGallic acid and vanillin are medicines that have anticancer potency of synergism, if both of them were reacted in order to get new compound and to have a better activity. Its docking study expressed a better value than native ligand of receptor. The resultis expected to have a positive correlation with biological activity. Synthesis of gallicderivatives had been donefrom gallic acid and vanillin by reacting sodium vanillate with gallic acid at 40°C. The product was tested by chromatographyanalyzes, melting point tester and its IR spectrum using FTIR. The white powder yieldobtained was 26.88%. Its chromatogram showed the formation of a new compound at Rf 0.5. The test results showed its IR spectrum of ester group at wavelength number of 1280 to 1188cm-1. It can be concluded that synthesis of gallic or 4-formyl-2- methoxyphenyl-3,4,5-trihidroxybenzoichad apparently success by heating at 40 derajat C.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectgallic acidin_ID
dc.subjectthin layer chromatographyin_ID
dc.titleSintesis Senyawa 4 Formil 2 Metoksifenil 3,4,5 Trihidroksibenzoat Melalui Pemanasanin_ID

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