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dc.contributor.authorArdzi Pradana, Ostman
dc.contributor.authorLestari, Sri
dc.identifier.citationAnderman, Eric, Tripp Griesinger & Gloria Werterfield. (1998). Motivation and Cheating During Early Adolesence. Journal Educational Psychology ; 90 (1): 84-93 Barzegar, Kazem & Khezri Hasan. (2012). Predicting Academic Cheating Among the Fifth Grade Students : The Role of Self Efficacy and Academic Self-Handicapping. Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine. 2(1):1-6 Bolin, Aaron U. (2004). Self-Control, Perceived Opportunity, and Attitudes as Predictors of Academic Dishonesty. The Journal of Psychology; 138(2). 101-114 Cauffman, Jensen, Arnet & Feldman. (2001). It‘s Wrong, But Everybody Does It : Academic Dishonesty Among High School and College Students. Contemporary Educational Psychology 27, 209-228 Creswell, J. W. (2012). Research design pendekatan kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. (2008). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pusaka Utama Edgren & Walters. (2006). Academic dishonesty in 21 Century. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 54, 56-59. Finch, J. (1987). The Vignette Technique in Survey Research. Sociology, 21,105- 114 Geddes, Kimberly A. (2011). Academic Dishonesty Among Gifted and High- Achiefed Students. Spring 34 (2) Halida, Rizka (2007). Mayoritas Siswa- Mahasiswa Menyontek. Litbang Media Group.diunduh dari http://www.sampoernafoundation.or g Hendrastin, R. J & Purwoko, B. (2014). Studi Kasus Dinamika Psikologis Konflik Interpersonal Siswa Merujuk Teori Segitiga ABC Konflik Galtung dan Kecenderungan Penyelesaiannya Pada Siswa Kelas XII Jurusan Multimedia (MM) Di SMK Mahardika Surabaya. Jurnal BK UNESA, 04(2), 364-374 Koss, J. (2011). Academic Dishonesty Among Adolescents. American Psychological Association, 11(2), 38-46 Kustiwi, N. (2014). Motivasi dan Perilaku Plagiat di Kalangan Siswa SMA : Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Perilaku Plagiat dan Motivasi Siswa Dalam Melakukan Tindak Plagiat di Kalangan Siswa SMA Cita Hati Surabaya. Jurnal Universitas Airlangga, 3 (2) 569-587 Lestari, S., & Adiyanti, M. G. (2012). The concept of Honesty in Javanese People‘s Perspektive. Anima, Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia 27 (3), 129-142 McCabe & Trevino. (1993). Academic Dishonesty: Honor Codes and Other Contextual Influences. The Journal of Higher Education, 64 (5), 522- 538 Nursalam, Bani, S., & Munirah. (2013). Bentuk Kecurangan Akademis ( Academic Cheating ) Mahasiswa PGMI Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alaudin Makasar. Jurnal Lentera Pendidikan, 16 (2)127-138 Papalia, D. E.,Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. (2009). Human Development. Jakarta: Salemba Humannika Perkins, Serena A & Elliot Turiel. (2007). To Lie Not To Lie : To Whom and Under What Circumstances. Child Development,78 (2) 609-621 Poerwandari, E Kristi. (1997). Pendekatan Kualitatif dalam Penelitian Psikologi. Jakarta : Lembaga Pengembangan Sarana Pengukuran dan Pendidikan Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia Pujiatni, K., & Lestari, S. (2010). Studi Kualitatif Pengalaman Menyontek Pada Mahasiswa. Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora 11 (2) : 103-110 Rettinger, David A & Jordan, Augistis E (2005). The Relationship Among Religion, Motivation and College Cheating : A Natural Axperiment, ETHICS & BEHAVIOR, 15(2), 107- 129, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,. Inc Strom, P.S., & Strom, R.D. (2007). Cheating in Middle School and High School. The Educational Forum, 71, 104-116 Sykes, Mike. (2010). Parental Awareness and Attitudes Toward Academic Dishonesty in a Suburban High School Setting. CounselorEducation Master‟s Theses. 1-1-2010in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research aim to know the psychological dynamics of students‟ academic fraudon practical assignmentin vocational school and to identify underlying factors and motivations that lead to the academic fraud. The participants are students of vocational school which take program of light vehicle engineering. The school is one of the private schools in Salatiga. Questionnaires in the form of Vignette was used to collect data and semi-structured interview was performed to support the method. The result shows that there are internal and external factors that influence the situations. The most dominant internal factors are self- control and the desire of getting high scores. Meanwhile, the most dominant external factors are the non-supporting environment for studying and peers solidarity. The psychological dynamic that appears is students realize that academic fraud is not allowed at any norms, yet they still do it. Nevertheless, students feel guilty and regret for doing fraud. Some prefer choose to do the tasks or examinations without doing fraud, they believe that the important skills at vocational schools is individualpractice competency.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectAcademic fraudin_ID
dc.subjectvocational school studentsin_ID
dc.subjectpractices situationsin_ID
dc.titleDinamika Psikologis Perilaku Curang Dalam Situasi Praktek Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruanin_ID

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