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dc.contributor.authorRosyadi, Imron
dc.identifier.citationAntonio, M.S. (2001), ―Bank Syariah: Dari Teori Ke Praktek‖. Gema Insani Press dan Tazkia Cendekia. Jakarta. Budisantoso, T. dan Triandaru, S. (2006), ―Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lain‖, Salemba Empat. Jakarta Direktorat Perbankan Syariah BI (2008), ―Statistik Perbankan Syariah‖. http/ Hartono, J. (2004), ―Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis: Salah Kaprah dan PengalamanPengalaman‖. BPFE-UGM. Jogjakarta Ismal, R. (2008), ―Syariah Untuk Kelebihan Likuiditas‖, Opini Republika. PT Republika Mandiri. Jakarta Karim, A.A. (2008), ―Bank Islam: Analisis Fiqih dan Keuangan‖, Edisi Ketiga. PT Rajagrafindo Persada. Jakarta Karim, A.A. (2008), ―Momentum Emas Perbankan Syariah‖, Opini Republika. PT Republika Mandiri. Jakarta Lewis, M.K. dan AlGaoud, L.M. (2007), ―Perbankan Syariah: Prinsip, Praktik dan Prospek‖. PT Serambi Ilmu Semesta. Jakarta Makmun (2008), ―Tantangan Perbankan Syariah‖, Opini Republika. PT Republika Mandiri. Jakarta Muhammad (2004), ―Dasar-Dasar Keuangan Islami‖. Edisi Pertama. EKONISIA FE-UII. Yogyakarta Sekaran, U. (2006), ―Metodologi Untuk Bisnis‖. Terjemahan. Salemba Empat. Jakarta.in_ID
dc.description.abstractResearch goal is to analyze and explain the development of Financing of Islamic Rural Bank industry in Indonesia based on the items of financing, economic sector, type of usage, the financing account and the amount of financing and how to analyze and decipher large potential bad debts in the Financing of Islamic Rural Bank industry in Indonesia. The research is taking Financing of Islamic Rural Bank in Indonesia as a research subject, as well as population and samples of this research. Sources of data that is needed is the secondary data obtained from the Syariah Banking Statistics published by the Directorate of Bank Indonesia Financing of Islamic Rural Bank period March 2012 - February 2015, with the publication of financial reports perquarter. Results of this research showed that Financing of Islamic Rural Bank assets from year to year has increased significantly, but, its share is still relatively small; financing provided Financing of Islamic Rural Bank showed a significant increase, but its share of total Bank in Indonesia is still very small or not showed a rapid growth.; financing the most distributed in the Syariah Banking scheme murabahah financing receivables and receivables smallest istishna’ Bank Syariah not contribute movement in the optimal investment in Indonesia, even tendency share of consumption continue to move quickly in the years to come; Financing of Islamic Rural Bank contribute relatively large movement in the real sector in Indonesia through a loan that is used to increase capital, performance and productivity sectors UKM; source of funds (deposit fund) Financing of Islamic Rural Bank from year to year continue to increase significantly, but the share of funds to Bank Syariah total source of funds in Bank Indonesia is still very small or very small growth; and the ratio NPFs achieved Banking Sharia can be categorized in groups to perform better (healthy) associated with the financing provided.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectnon-performing financingsin_ID
dc.subjectfinancing deposit to ratioin_ID
dc.titlePembiayaan dan Potensi Kredit Bermasalah Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) di Indonesiain_ID

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