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dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Wahyuni
dc.contributor.authorAmbarwati, Lucia
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Aging is process of decreasing the immune system at stimulation from inside and outside of body, elderly people often have decreasing of physic, psychological and social. Psichologic problem that often happen in elderly person are thingking problem, dimensia, depression, physic and behavior problem. Depression is feeling problem that characterized by deep depression and sadness, one of nursing therapy that support the depression client healthy is progressive muscle relaxation. Purpose: Analyze influence progressive muscle relaxation at level of depression in elderly at Anggrek local goverment clinic of Gandekan village in working area public health Purwodiningratan Jebres Surakarta. Methods: The type of this research is quantitative comparative research, using quasi experimental desing approach methods, with desaing One Group Pre-Post Test Design, in 18 respondens using purposive sampling technic. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon Match Pair Test. Result: Progressive muscle relaxation have effect significantly at level of depression. The result of statistic test at the respondens it shows Z calculated (2,646) > Z tabel (1,96) or ρ (0,008) < α (0,05), so it shows that there is effect of giving progressive muscle relaxation therapy at level of depression in elderly people. Conclusion: Giving progressive muscle relaxation theraphy have effect at level depression in elderly people at Anggrek local goverment clinic of Gandekan village in working area public health Purwodiningratan Jebres Surakarta.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectMuscle Relaxationin_ID
dc.titleRelaksasi Otot Progresifsebagai Upaya Menurunkan Tingkat Depresi Lansia Di Posyandu Anggrek Desa Gandekan Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Purwodiningratan Jebres Surakartain_ID

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