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dc.contributor.authorSaadi, Yusron
dc.identifier.citationGarcia, M., Nino, Y., and Lopez, F., 1996, Laboratory Observations of Particle Entrainment into Suspension by Turbulent Bursting; in Coherent Flow Structures in Open Channels, eds. P.J. Ashworth, S.J. Bennet, J.L. Best and S.J. McLelland, John Wiley and Son, Chichester, 63 - 86. Grass, A.J., 1971, Structural Features of Turbulent Flow over Smooth and Rough Boundaries, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 50 (2), 233-255. Kim, H.T., Kline, S.J., and Reynolds, W.C., 1971, The Production of Turbulence Near A Smooth Wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 50, 133-160. Nezu, I., and Nakagawa, H., 1993, Turbulence in Open-Channel Flows, A.A. Balkema, Brookfield, V.T. Nikora, V.I., and Goring, D.G., 1999, Turbulence Structure in Gravel-Bed Flows with Static and Weakly Mobile Beds: A Comparative Study, Internal Report, NIWA, New Zealand. Nowell,, A.R.M., and Church, M., 1979, Turbulent Flow in A Depth-Limited Boundary Layer, Journal of Geophysical Research, 84 (C8), 4816-4824. Roy, A.G., Buffin-Belanger, T., and Deland, S., 1996, Scales of Turbulent Coherent Flow Structures in A Gravel-bed Rivers; in Coherent Flow Structures in Open Channels, eds. P.J. Ashworth, S.J. Bennet, J.L. Best and S.J. McLelland, John Wiley and Son, Chichester, 147 -164. Roy, A.G., Biron, P.M., Buffin-Belanger, T., and Levasseur, M., 1999, Combined Visual and Quantitative Techniques in the Study of Natural Turbulent Flows, Water Resources Research, 35 (3), 871-877. Saadi, Y., 2000, The Impact of Unsteady Flows on the Erosion and Movement of Mixed Grain Size Sediment, Transfer Report (unpublished), Department of Civil and Structural Engineering University of Sheffield. Song, T., and Graf, W.H., 1996, Velocity and Turbulence Distribution in Unsteady Open- Channel Flow, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 122 (3), 141-154. Tait, S. J., Willetts, B. B., and Gallagher, M.W., 1996, The Application of Particle Image Velocimetry to the Study of Coherent Flow Structures over a Stabilizing Sediment Bed: Facts, Mechanism and Speculation; in Coherent Flow Structures in Open Channels, eds. P.J. Ashworth, S.J. Bennet, J.L. Best and S.J. McLelland, John Wiley and Son, Chichester, 185 - 201.en_US
dc.description.abstractSeven series of laboratory experiments were carried out in a re-circulating glass sided tilting flume to investigate the instantaneous nearbed streamwise flow velocities in different duration of constant flowrates. Each series were observed at different time elapsed to represent the flow condition at different time of bed exposures. The instantaneous nearbed streamwise flow velocities were recorded using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV), which was positioned in such a way the probe could easily traverse the grid points to collect measurements. The experiments suggest that the instantaneous nearbed streamwise flow velocities within the grid varied throughout the constant flowrates with lower range of variations occurred in the shorter tests and wider variations in the longer tests.This means the constant flowrates produced different level of turbulences in a relatively small area even at adjacent points. With a relatively stable standard deviations regardless of the time elapsed of measurement it was also found that the average values of instantaneous nearbed streamwise flow velocities are slightly lower particularly for the shorter time interval between measurements and generally decreased towards the end of each test. This indicates that there was always a spatial variation in the average instantaneous nearbed streamwise velocities throughout the test.en_US

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