Recent Submissions

  • Improving Rough Motor of Kindergarten Children through Kuda Lumping Dance 

    Suryaningsih, Aprilia Dewi; Sunaryo, Ilham; Yuwono, Haryono; Choiri, Amrul (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    This study aims to: (1) To describe the learning procedure of Kuda Lumping dance in group B children in Chinta Ananda Mojolaban Kindergarten (Sukohar Regency. 2) Knowing the increase in gross motor skills through movement ...
  • Improving Rough Motor Skills of Kindergarten Children through The Game Hoop 

    Perdana, Andhika Wirin; Sunaryo, Ilham; Astuti, Wili; Surtikanti, S (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    This research aims to improve the motoric skills of the student at group B TK PGRI Plumbungan, Karangmalang, Sragen by using hoop games. The kind of research that operates in this research is collaborative action class ...
  • Improving The Visual-Spatial Intelligence of Kindergarten Children Through Puzzle 

    Hakim, Assabila; Darsinah, D; Yuwono, Haryono; Katoningsih, Sri (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    This study aims to enhance spatial-visual intelligence using puzzle games to group A students of Aisyiyah Kindergarten Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo in 2016/2017. This study uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in two ...
  • Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Education Inputs, Processes and Outputs 

    Nuryati, N (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the input, process and output of education in primary schools. The method in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. While the ...
  • Student Problematics in Thematic Learning 

    Dewi, Listiana (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The purpose of this research is to analyzing problems and problematic factors of students and describing the efforts of teachers in overcoming student problems in thematic learning. This research use a descriptive ...
  • Teacher Problems in the Application of Scientific Approach to Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Elementary School 

    Sundari, S (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The aims of this research are to analyze the problems experienced by teachers and create solutions or innovations that teachers can do in the application of scientific approaches to learning during the covid-19 pandemic ...
  • Congklak Millennials: Overcoming Online Game Addiction in Elementary School 

    Ariyanti, Imelda Nur; Faatin, Nisriina Amiirah; Kamaluddin, Arif; Puspitasari, Fina; Faradila, Siska; Setiarini, Ani (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Current games are not like previous games. In the past, the game could only be played by a maximum of two people, now with advances in technology, especially the internet network, games can be played by more than 100 ...
  • Establishment of Anti-Bullying Organization to Prevent Bullying in Junior High School 

    Prabowo, Dimas Luhur Aji; Erlytasari, Alvina; Lestari, Elisa Wahyu; Yosi, Nadila Ade; Ronalia, R; Fitriani, Natasya Desti (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The purpose of this article is to formulate the formation, implementation, and parties of an anti bullying organization. The method used in this activity is a qualitative descriptive method to describe, summarize, ...
  • Potret Perubahan Karakter Ramah dan Percaya Diri pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di Kampung Wisata Pelangi Semarang 

    Pratiwi, Sendy; Nugraheni, Tentrem Wahyu; Mulyadi, M (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Penelitian ini berfokus pada pembentukan karater anak usia sekolah dasar melalui adanya Kampung Pelangi di Semarang. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari dicetuskannya Kampung ...
  • Improving Digital Literacy of Elementary School Students with Matriks 

    Damayanti, Galuh Anggita; Rahmawati, Dyah; Milenda, Salma Salsabila; Erawahyuni, Eka Rani; Sari, Anggi Multi; Hidayat, Muhamad Taufik (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The objectives of this writing are (1) to Outline a creative and comprehensive digital literacy program to develop ideas that are only limited to local ones to become more comprehensive. (2) Explain the steps for ...
  • Anti-Corruption Education with Religious Concept and Social Reconstruction 

    Wulandari, Wenita Ratna; Permatasari, Danita Novian; Andana, Zoshi; Amali, Muammar; Prabowo, Visnu Aji; Prasetyo, Galih (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Corruption is the act of someone who breaks trust in an issue or organization for profit. This act of corruption occurs because of several factors that occur in the community. At this time, corruption can be rampant ...
  • The Existence of Traditional Games as a Learning Media in Elementary School 

    Kancanadana, Galuh; Saputri, Oktaviana; Tristiana, Vera (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    This study discusses the existence of traditional games as a learning medium in school. The traditional game is crucial to be developed among children, especially elementary school children. The goal is to restore the ...
  • Safety Skill Approach Using Hand Bear 

    Aufa, Farchana Nur; Putri, Febrialita Salma Dwinanda; Agustina, Rifta Nabila Wahyu; Atikasari, Yulita; Rimadhani, Ariska (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    It should be realized that cases of sexual violence against children are synonymous with increasing cases of pornography, primarily through the internet and social media. The freedom and ease of accessing the internet ...
  • 3M Program to Prevent Myopia in Elementary School 

    Ni'mah, Arifatun; Ramandhani, Diana Ayu; Nugroho, Dimas Daru Bagas; Hartanto, H; Rahmawati, Hasri; Prasetya, Surya Raja (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    The 3M program is a program that consists of three main concepts that will be carried out by parents. The three concepts are the concept of understanding, the concept of monitoring, and the concept of checking. The concept ...
  • P3B Program to Overcome Pornographic Addictive of Elementary School Students 

    Prasetya, Arya Aqshal; Suryanto, S; Atmoko, Muhammad Tri; Andiansah, Riski Yuditya; Ainurrohman, Muhammad Thoha (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Today, the internet is straightforward to access. Many children of elementary school easily enjoy pornographic sites. Pornography begins with a high curiosity about sex. On the other hand, sex education obtained in the ...
  • Remove Smoke from Elementary School 

    Ningsih, Miftakhul Jannah Oktavia; Yulaiha, Savika Yara; Permatasari, Anggita Yuli; Khotimah, Annisaa Khusnul; Larasati, Anjan (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Large fires cause thick smog. The smog is considered much harm to the community, including blocking visibility and disturbing health, for example, disrupting the respiratory system. Because living things need oxygen that ...
  • "Beam" (Clean, Healthy, and Fun) Toilet Education for Students 

    Evendi, David; Jatipramono, Athas; Wahyono, Hendra Tri; Hendrawan, Hendy; Hanafi, Adnan Musafa (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    School toilets in Indonesia are still in poor condition or not suitable for students. There are many smelly toilets and not enough clean water to support the cleanliness of the toilet. Besides, there are many school ...
  • Preventing Smoking Behavior with Barcotidi 

    Jannah, Ma'rifatul; Hasniar, Ridha; Muzayyanah, Anggita Ida Anis; Cahyo, Adinda Septian Dwi; Septiani, Irna Wulan (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)
    Smoking is a habit of consuming cigarettes that is carried out in daily life, and becomes an unavoidable need for cigarette addicts. Cigarettes have a very big danger to health. Many consequences of diseases that can be ...
  • Preface 

    Unknown author (Proceedings Book International Conference on Early and Elementary Education 2021, 2021-05)