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dc.contributor.authorMaharani, Widya
dc.contributor.authorBasuki, Sri Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorDasuki, M Shoim
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dc.description.abstractToday’s kids quality are the determinant of the quality of human resources in the future. Future human begins with the present coaching children. To prepare qualified human resources in the future, the children need to be prepared so that they can grow and develop within their capabilities. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of nutrition knowledge with gross motor development of toddler aged 24 until 59 months. This research is a survey analytical research with cross sectional approach. The samples were taken 50 mother and 52 children, with a quota sampling technique. Statistical test used is Chi square test. The results are the majority (36) mothers (69,2%) with enough level of knowledge, 16 toddlers (30,8%) had advance gross motor skills, 20 toddlers (38,5%) are normal. Of the 12 mothers (23,1%) with good knowledge, 7 toddlers (13,5%) had advance gross motor skills, 5 toddlers (9,6%) are normal. While the 4 mothers (7,7%) with poor level of knowledge, there was a toddler (1,9%) had advance gross motor skills, 3 toddlers (5,8%) are normal. It didn’t found in any toddlers with slow gross motor skills.From the Chi square test found that X2 = 0,931 and probability significance (p) = 0,335.The conclution is There was no relationship between maternal nutrition knowledge amd gross motor development of toddler aged 24 until 59 months.en_US
dc.subjectmaternal nutritional knowledgeen_US
dc.subjectgross motor developmenten_US
dc.titleHubungan antara Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Gizi dan Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Balita Usia 24-59 Bulan Di Posyandu Desa Gunung Tawang Kecamatan Selomerto Kabupaten Wonosoboen_US

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