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dc.contributor.authorHerawati, Erna
dc.contributor.authorSudiyanto, Aris
dc.identifier.citationAmir N, 2003. Hipokampus dan Depresi, PIDT PDSKJI, Jakarta. Amir N, 2005. Depresi : Aspek Neurobiologi, Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana. Balai Penerbit FKUI. Jakarta. Andreasen, NC., Black DW., 2001, Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, Third edition, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc., Washington DC, London England. p.155-310. Bastaman H.D., 2007. Logoterapi – Psikologi untuk Menemukan Makna Hidup dan Meraih Hidup Bermakna. PT Raja. Budiarto E., 2004. MetodologiPenelitianKedokteran: Sebuah Pengantar, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. Delgado PL, Kuo I. 2004; The use of dual-action antidepressant in the treatment of depression. Medscape psychiatry and mental health journal; 9(1). Disobio, J.M., Bruns, D., Barolat, G., 2006. Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Pain, A Practical Pain Management, PPM Communication, Inc. Driessen, E., et al,. 2007. Cognitive Behavioral depression: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 7:58. Simpulan Berdasar hasil tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa logoterapi efektif untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri dan skor depresi pasien nyeri kronik di RSDM Surakarta. Saran Penelitian ini bisa dimanfaatkan dalam penyusunan Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) penatalaksanaan pasien nyeri kronik, dan juga sebagai alternatif terapi tambahan di bidang liaison psychiatry dalam penanganan pasien dengan nyeri lainnya. Perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pemanfaatan logoterapi terhadap penyakit fisik, khususnya nyeri kronik terutama yang komorbid dengan gangguan psikiatri khusunya depresi dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor lain yang berpengaruh dan dengan pengukuran yang lebih teliti. Daftar Pustaka Amir N, 2003. Hipokampus dan Depresi, PIDT PDSKJI, Jakarta. Amir N, 2005. Depresi : Aspek Neurobiologi, Diagnosis dan Tatalaksana. Balai Penerbit FKUI. Jakarta. 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dc.description.abstractPain is a multidimensional sensory experience that is not pleasant, complex health problems, and one of the main reasons for someone to come to seek medical help. Pain, physically and emotionally are in the same neurobiological pathway, so it is necessary for chronic pain management therapy that is integrated. Logoterapi expected to influence the factors that can modulate pain and improve patient coping resources resulting in a balance in the regulation of the nervous system, the axis of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and immune system components, which eventually will produce changes in perception of pain in patients.Aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of logoterapi against pain intensity and degree of depression of patients with chronic pain. The study was a randomized pretest-posttest experimental control group design. Subjects are patients with complaints of chronic pain who underwent therapy at the Medical Rehabilitation Polyclinic RSDM Surakarta. Samples were taken purposively, a total of 18 respondents (9 treated and 9 control). Pain intensity was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and scores of depression with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Statistical analysis using t-test and unpaired Mann-Whitney test, and significance of the relationship variables with significance level of 5%, which is calculated with the program SPSS for Windows version 17.0. There were significant differences of decrease in pain intensity and depression scores between pretest and post-test in the treatment group than the control group (p = 0.01). Logoterapi effective for decreasing pain intensity and depression scores of patients with chronic pain.en_US
dc.subjectChronic Painen_US
dc.titleKeefektifan Logoterapi terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Nyeri dan Skor Depresi Pasien Nyeri Kronik di Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medik RSDM Surakartaen_US

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