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dc.contributor.authorAzhari, Aidul Fitriciada
dc.identifier.citationAzhari, Aidul Fitriciada, 2005, “Koherensi dan Efektivitas Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia menurut Amandemen UUD 1945,” dalam Jurnal Politika Volume 1, No. 2 Agustus 2005. Diamond, Larry, 2000, “The End of the Third Wave and the Start of the Fourth,” dalam Plattner, Marc F., Joao Carlos Espada, The Democratic Invention, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. Reformasi Pemilu dan Agenda Konsolidasi Demokrasi... (Aidul Fitriciada ) 193 Huntington, Samuel P., 2000, “The Future of the Third Wave,” dalam Plattner, Marc F., Joao Carlos Espada, The Democratic Invention, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. Liddle, R. William, 2001, Crafting Indonesian Democracy, Bandung, Mizan, 2001. Linz, Juan J., 2001, “Defining and Crafting Democratic Transition, Constitutions, dan Consolidation,” dalam Liddle, R. William, Crafting Indonesian Democracy, Bandung, Mizan. Plattner, Marc F., Joao Carlos Espada, 2000, The Democratic Invention, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Pope, Jeremy, 2003, Strategi Memberantas Korupsi Elemen Sistem Integritas Nasional, Jakarta, Transparency International Indonesia dan Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Russel, Greg, 2005, Constitutionalism: America & Beyond, Tersedia : products/pubs/democracy/dmpaper2. htm (Diakses 14 September 2005). UU Nomor 12 tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum (LNRI Tahun 2003 No. 37; Tambahan LNRI No. 4277). UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum Presiden dan Wakil Presiden (LNRI Tahun 2003 No. 93; Tambahan LNRI No. 4311). UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah (LNRI Tahun 2004 No. 125; Tambahan LNRI No. 4437).en_US
dc.description.abstractGeneral election has function to perform conducive condition for consolidation effort on democracy and to transform electoral democracy toward stable constitutional democracy. Although not all of relevant agenda might be realized by or under general election, but as empirically known that after the two general election held post the Orde Baru era, it has succeed on performing a belief in the sight of the society that democracy is “the only game in town”. This belief has been alive even during the politic and economy run in bad situation.en_US
dc.subjectdemokrasi elektoralen_US
dc.subjectdemokrasi konstitusionalen_US
dc.subjectkonsolidasi demokrasien_US

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