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dc.contributor.authorPadmantyo, Sri
dc.contributor.authorMuqorrobin, Agus
dc.identifier.citationAnto, MB Hendrie dan Setyowati, Desti. 2008. The Indicatioan of Moral Hazard in Islamic Financing: A Comparative Study Between Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank in Indonesia 2003:1 – 2007:9. Paper Symposium “On Implementation of Islamic to Positive Economics in the World as Alternative of Conventional Economic System: Toward development in the new Era of The Holistic Economics”. Universitas Airlangga Surabaya 1-3 Agustus 2008. Ascarya. 2009. Pelajaran Yang Dapat Dipetik Dari Krisis Berulang: Perpektif Ekonomi Islam. BI : Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan Volume 12 Nomor 1 Juli 2009 hal 33. Boumediene, Aniss dan Caby, Jerome. 2010. The Stablity of Islamic Banks During Subprime Crisis. Available at SSRN: Diakses 11 Agustus 2010. Choong, Beng Soon dan Liu, Ming-Hua. 2008. “Islamic Banking: Interest-Free or Interest-Based?” Available at SSRN: Diakses 1 Juni 2010. Čihák, Martin dan Hesse, Heiko. 2008. Islamic Bank and Financial Stability: An Empirical Analysis. IMF Working Paper. Deltuvaitè, Vilma. 2010. The Concentration-Stability Relationship in The Banking System : An Empirical Research. Ekonomika Ir Vadyba, page 900-909. Ding Lu, Shandre dan Qing Hu. 2001. The Link Between Behaviour And Non Performing Loan In China. Internet Faiz, Ihda A. 2010. Analisis Stabilitas Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (Ekbisi) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Forthcoming Godlewski, Christophe J. 2004. Excess Credit Risk and Bank’s Default Risk An Application of Default Prediction’s Models to Banks from Emerging Market Economics. Financial Economics and Financial Econometrics. Germany Gujarati, Damodar N. 2003. Basic Econometrics. Fourth Edition-International Edition. Printed in Singapore : McGraw Hill. Hadi, Yonathan S. 2003. Analisis Vector Auto Regression (VAR) Terhadap Korelasi Antara Pendapatan Nasional dan Investasi Pemerintah Indonesia, 1983/1984 – 1999/2000. Jurnal Keuangan dan Moneter. Volume 6 Nomor 2. Jakarta Honohan, JF dan James C. 1997. Banking System Failures In Developing And Transition Countries : Diagnosis And Predictions. BIS Working Paper 39. Kittikulsingh, Suthep. 1999. Non Performing Loans (NPLs) : The Borrower’s Viewpoint. TDRI Quarterly Review Vol 14 NO. 4 December 1999. O.O.C. 1988. Bank Failure an Evaluation of the Factors Contributing to the Failure of National Banks. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. 17 Prima, Rizal Adi. 2004. Disparitas Efek Regional dan Faktor Penentu Transmisi Kebijakan Moneter Daerah : Kasus Sumatra-Jawa. Skripsi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Rahmawulan, Yunis. 2008. Perbandingan Faktor Penyebab Timbulnya NPL dan NPF pada perbankan Konvensional dan Syariah di Indonesia. Thesis Program Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam Universitas Indonesia. Wu, Chang dan Selvili. 2003. Banking System, Real Estate Markets and Non Performing Loans. International Real Estate Review. Vol 6 No 1, pp. 43-62en_US
dc.descriptionReguler Kompetitifen_US
dc.description.abstractGlobal financial markets are now increasingly fragile and unstble after a series of financial crises and scandals engulfing virtually every country in the world. In order for potential crisis does not happen again, now more often discussed and the study of the solvency ratio or credit risk by economists to formulate recipes prevention of potential crises are repeated. The purpose of this study was to explore the resilience of bank financing in Indonesia during the global financial crisis and what factors influence it in Indonesia. By using OLS test, the results showed that the number of Islamic bank financing (FDR) and the GDP level affects the level of funding problem (NPF) significantly. Being on the other hand, the level of conventional banking credit crunch influenced by interest rates positively and deposits and loans ratio (LDR) negatively. These findings add to growing evidence of how the Islamic economic system and Islamic banking can reduce the impact of the global financial crisis significantly to domestic society of a country.en_US
dc.subjectbank stabilityen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Kredit Macet Perbankan di Indonesiaen_US

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