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dc.contributor.authorWaluyo, Joko
dc.identifier.citationAgenor, Pierre Richard dan Peter Montiel, 1996. Development Macroeconomics, New Jersey: Princenton University Press. Agenor, Pierre Richard, 1999. The Economics of Adjustment and Growth. New York: Academic Press. Auriol, Emmanuelle and Michael Warlters, 2002. Taxation Base in Developing Countries November 25, ISPE Conference on Public Finance and Development. Bird, Richard M and Oldman Oliver, 1990. Taxation in Developing Countries”. 4th, Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press Ltd. Subiyantoro, Heru, dan Singgih Riphat, 2004. Kebijakan Fiskal, Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas. Bovenberga, A. Lans, and Ruud A. de Mooijb, 1997, Environmental Tax Reform and Endogenous Growth, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 63, Issue 2 , January 1997, Pages 207-237. Geithner, Timothy, 2003. Sustainability- Assessments: Review of Application and Methodological Refinements. IMF Policy Development and Review Department, Washington: IMF. Ginting, Edimon, 1999. Tax Evasion in A Corrupt Economy. General Paper No. G-133, Centre for Policy Studies, Monash University, Oktober Leuthold, Jane, 2001. Taxation in Developing Countries, Manuscript University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Tidak dipublikasikan). Musgrave, Richard A, 1959. The Theory of Public Finance: A Study of Public Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill. Musgrave, Richard, A, 1989. Public Finance: Theory and Practice. 4th ed, New York: McGrawhill. Nasution, Anwar, 1984. Tinjauan Triwulanan Perekonomian Indonesia. Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia, Vol. XXXII, No. I, hlm. 3-29. Nasution, Anwar, 1984. Aspek Ekonomi Anggaran Belanja Negara. Prisma, edisi 5 Mei 1984, hlm.18-31. Jakarta: LP3ES. Rosen, Harvey, 1998. Public Finance. Richard D. Irwin. Sanyal, Amal, Gang N. Ira dan Goswani, Omkar, 1998. Corruption, Tax Evasion and Laffer Curve. Public Choice Centre Working Paper, George Mason University. Slemrod, Joel, 1989. Optimal Taxation and Optimal Tax System. NBER Working Paper No. 3038, July. Soetrisno, Ph; 1984. Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Keuangan Negara”. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Waluyo, Joko, 2005. Implikasi Pembiayaan Defisit Anggaran Pemerintah Pusat terhadap Inflasi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Studi Kasus Indonesia tahun 1970- 2003. Tesis Pascasarjana Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Depok (Tidak Dipublikasikan). Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia. “Nota Keuangan dan RAPBN.” Beberapa tahun penerbitan. IMF. “Government Finance Statistics Year Books.” Washington DC, Beberapa tahun penerbitan Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia.”Indikator Ekonomi.” Beberapa tahun penerbitan.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main subject of this paper are the role of tax revenue to central government budget and how reforms it to increase tax revenue. Financing budget deficits represent one of cause of state budget become annoyed. Ratio tax - PDB ranging from 13 – 15 percent showing good improvement, although still not yet optimal. Ratio tax – revenue and tax - expenditure progressively mount which indication that important taxation role progressively in budget revenue sources. In year of the research showing by change of tax structure from oil tax become the non oil tax, and also from indirect tax become to the direct taxes. Role of direct taxes progressively mount in taxation structure. Tax effort indicator and elasticity of tax revenue indicate that the good imposition efficiency progressively. To increase tax revenue without giving distortion to economics require to be conducted by a taxation reform.en_US
dc.subjecttax ratioen_US
dc.subjecttax efforten_US
dc.subjecttax baseen_US
dc.subjecttax reformen_US

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