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dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Noviana
dc.contributor.authorAwandani, Hanif
dc.contributor.authorAzhra, Fariza Halidatsani
dc.identifier.citationAmran, T.G., dan Ekadeputra, P., 2010, “Pengukuran Kepuasan Konsumen Menggunakan Metode Kano dan Root Cause Analysis (Studi Kasus PLN Tangerang)”, Jurnal Teknik Industri, Vol. 2, No. 2, hh. 160-172. Aziz, 1999, Konsep Ekonomi Kreatif Peluang dan Tantangan dalam Pembangunan Indonesia, Bagian Hukum, Kepegawaian, dan Organisasi SetDijen Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis Seni dan Budaya Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Jakarta. Liese, W., 1985, Anatomy and Properties of Bamboo, Proceeding: Int. Bamboo Workshop, China. Rahmayuni, I., Humaira, dan Defni, 2016, “Pemanfaatan Metode Kano untuk Menilai Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna terhadap Fungsionalitas Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian (Studi Kasus: AKNP Pelalawan)”, Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng - Seri Informatika, Vol. 1, No. 2. Sumotarto, U., 2010, Industri Kreatif Berbasis Sumber Daya Alam, Simposium Nasional 2010: Menuju Purworeji Dinamis dan Kreatif, Jakartaid_ID
dc.description.abstractThis century is new era of globalization. Innovations is important to driving force in process modern civilization and economic. Creativity industries created by the term of innovation refer to industries which combine the creation, production and commercialization of creatives contents which are intangible and having cultural in nature. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly important to develop creativity as a key resource. Creativity industries has become a driver for sustainable development on modern civilization. In order to improve the development of creativity industries in society needs some new innovations. Nowadays society behaviour demands and requires that everything exists must be effective and efficiently organized. users sometimes feel hassle by carrying equipment such as footwears. Based on a survey of 30 respondents (footwear users) 92% said that shoes and sandals should be easy to carry in travel and also comfortable to used. As a results of the questionnaire many people was obtained new footwear design innovation. This product is designed to utilize sol / bottom (the bottom of the shoe) at the shoe. it must be multifunction shoe so that when users want to change model sol can be slippers or shoes.id_ID
dc.publisherIENACO (Industrial Engineering National Conference) 7 2019id_ID
dc.subjectcreativity industryid_ID
dc.titleSeafun Desain Inovasi Sepatu dan Sandal Anti Bau di Era Globalisasi sebagai Perwujudan Industri Kreatif dengan Metode Cano Modelid_ID

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