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dc.description.abstract | Each production line is required to comply with occupational health regulations. But in reality
many companies do not comply with these regulations because there are no tools available at
the market at low prices. This paper presents an investigation of the health monitoring system
framework for production lines on IR 4.0, and proposes a cost-based and system-wide
framework. The framework of the paper consists of raspberry pi 3 as the main module of IoT
processing, and there are 3 sensors such as DHT11, MQ5, and MQ9. The DHT11 sensor is used
to detect temperature and humidity, the MQ5 sensor is used to detect Liquified Petroleum Gas
(LPG), and the MQ9 Sensor is used to detect carbon monoxide (CO). The method used in this
paper is to look for literature studies, then collect component data, then select components based
on literature studies. Then form components into several frameworks, which are then selected
as the best framework. Finally, arrange, run and test the system. | id_ID |