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dc.contributor.authorPurwandari, Eny
dc.identifier.citationAntariksa. 2002. Studi Emosi. http. www. 10 Januari 2002. Berry, J.W, Poortinga, Y, Segall, M, dan Dasen, P.R. 1999. Psikologi Lintas Budaya: Riset dan Aplikasi. Alih Bahasa : Edi Suhardono. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia. De Porter, B., & Hernachi, M. 2000 Quantum Learning. Bandung: PT. Kaifa. Dunn, R. & Dunn, K. 1998. The Sheme of Learning Style. Retieved Juli, 30, 2002, from http://www.learning style.ned/n3.htlm. Elliot, S.N., Kratochwill, T.R., Littlefield, J., Travers, J . F. 1997. Educational Psychologi Effective Teachine, Effective Learning. Singapore: McGraw-Hill. Fleming, N.D. 2002. VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles. Retrieved Juli 4, 2002, from Goleman, Daniel. 1996. Emotional Intelligence. Jakarta: PT. SUN. Gregory, R. 2000. Psychological Testing, History, Principles, and Application. USA: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Jopson, A. dan Zhao, T. t.t. Effect Personal Values on Auditors Ethical Decisions. values survey application. Hartanti dan Arhartanto. 20003. Profil Gaya Belajar Mahasiswa Baru: Survei Berdasarkan Metode Barbe dan Swassing. Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal. Vol. 18, No. 3, 295 – 307. Hawari, D. 1997. Al Qur’an Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa dan Kesehatan Jiwa. Jakarta: Dana Bhakti Prima Yasa. Hurlock, E.B. 1996. Psikologi Perkembangan. Jakarta: Erlangga. Kniker, C. R. 1977. You And Values Education. USA: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. Lazarus, R.S. 1991. Emotion and Adaptation. New York: Oxford University Press. Ovadia, S. 2004. “Rating and Rangkings: Reconsidering The Structure of Values and Their Measurement”. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol. 7, No. 5, 403-414. Renzetti dan Curran. 1998. Values, Sosial Problem and Religiosity - A Survey. values survey application. Rokeach, M. 1973. The Nature of Human Values. New York: The Free Press. Tilman, D. 2004. Living Values Activities for Young Adults. Pendidikan Nilai untuk Kaum Dewasa –Muda. Jakarta: Grasindo. Tjundjing, A dan Lasmono. 2003. “Profil Preferensi VARK pada Mahasiswa Baru”.. Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal Vol. 18, No.3, 274 – 294.en_US
dc.description.abstractSelf knowledge is a process which must be conceded by every individual. In this process, it is likely that an individual knows his strength and weakness. The strength does not always cause benefit, on the other hand the weakness does not always cause a misplace. However, if both of them are managed well, it will cause something extraordinary. The student has to know his self knowledge to get the best achievement. Some of the things that should be considered are: style of learning, emotion and the ways of life orientation. For the students of MAN I Sragen, the learning style tends to be auditory. They manage their emotion well enough, and their ways of life are focused on three things namely: spirit, family harmony, and achievement. Based on the result of social service, the students and the teachers have to use and maximize it well so that their positive potential can be optimized and developed well either individually or collectively in the educational institution.en_US
dc.subjectpengenalan dirien_US
dc.subjectgaya belajaren_US
dc.subjectnilai-nilai hidupen_US

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