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dc.contributor.authorCaroline, C
dc.contributor.authorLestari, Etty Puji
dc.contributor.authorSrimindarti, Ceacilia
dc.contributor.authorKusumawati, Dyah
dc.contributor.authorSafriandono, Achmad Nuruddin
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dc.description.abstractSpatial spillover of workers in Central Java Province requires an appropriate policy in overcoming the problem of labor migration in Central Java Province. The large number of population in Central Java Province, different minimum wages in regencies / cities in Central Java Province, income disparities, unequal welfare, uneven infrastructure is the reason why labor migrates both internal migration to districts / cities in Central Java Province, as well as external migration to outer islands, even abroad. In addition, the economic growth of Central Java Province which is low compared to West Java Province and East Java Province also makes the reason for migrating. Another reason for workers migrating is that the poverty rate in Central Java Province is lower than Indonesia's poverty level, the number of workers who have graduated on average with low education will get low monthly income so that there is less welfare, and increasing poverty. The purpose of this study is to examine the Central Java Province Workforce Spillover policy. The results of this study found that the labor spillover policy of Central Java Province included: 1). Internal migration policies need to be carried out to increase regional minimum wages, increase infrastructure, and reduce interest rates; the international migration policy is a need to study rupiah depreciation.id_ID
dc.publisherProsiding Seminar Bisnis Magister Manajemen (SAMBIS) 2019id_ID
dc.titleKebijakan Spasial Spillover Tenaga Kerja Propinsi Jawa Tengahid_ID

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