Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat melalui Industri Kreatif pada Wisata Religi Masjid Jami' Menggoro dan Wisata Tradisi Jumat Pahing
The government is trying to increase foreign exchange received through the tourism
sector. Various efforts were made by the government by providing assistance, training,
construction of tourism facilities and promotions. The village of Menggoro is one of the
villages in Temanggung Regency which was designated as a tourist village. The
dedication to the Surakarta IAIN community raised the relevance of government
programs to the tourism sector with opportunities to increase people's income. The way
that is done in increasing people's income through empowering the community moves in
the creative industry. The purpose of community service is to provide training to the
younger generation and housewives to master the making of mirror craft souvenirs. The
benefits obtained by community service participants are increased income that is useful
for meeting needs and increasing welfare. Community service methods by delivering
material, training, souvenir making practices, and discussions. The training is divided
into four sessions or stages, namely making equipment, making designs, making mirror
crafts, and making frames and mirror installation.