Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Membuat Ornamen Dekorasi Pesta Pom-Pom Lampion pada Siswa-Siswi SMA Negeri 112 Jakarta
This Entrepreneurship Training aims to teach and train entrepreneurship for the younger
generation namely students of Jakarta 112 High School so that it can be a solution to
students spending free time with positive and beneficial activities, as well as solutions in
establishing young entrepreneurs since early age. So that students can learn to manage
resources well, learn to see opportunities well, and make their own money independently.
The PPM activity was held for one day face-to-face on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 where
it was scheduled correspondingly with Handicrafts and Crafts subjects in the target class
by providing entrepreneurship training to make pom-pom lantern party decoration
ornaments. 32 participants in one class were divided into 6 small groups guided by the
MC, where each group was led by a mentor who would demonstrate how to make
lanterns and then practice by the students. Judging from the result of training objectives,
in general the results shown were good, this could be seen from the evaluation of
questionnaires filled by students, where students were motivated to start being
entrepreneur after joining the PPM program, especially they can see business
opportunities from handicraft businesses such as making pom-pom lanterns. Looking
from the results of the participants' training, namely lantern pom-pom products and
classroom decorations that have been achieved, it can be concluded that the purpose of
this activity has been achieved.