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dc.contributor.authorMuthmainnah, Nur
dc.identifier.citationAlshammari, M. M. (2015). New Developments in Teaching Reading Comprehension Skills to EFL Learners. European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 1-10. Gamelearn. (2017, 10 09). 8 Problems of Online Training and How to Solve them. Retrieved from Gamelearn: Ghararah, A. A. (1998). Teaching English as a Foreign Language: rocedures, Techniques, Activities. Riyadh: Tawbah Library. Iftakhar, S. (2016). Google Classroom: What Works and How? Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 12-18. Kumar, S. (2015, July 10). 5 Common Problems Faced by Students in eLearning and how to Overcome. Retrieved from eLearning Industry: Leonard, & Amanah, N. (2014). Pengaruh Adversity Quotient dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Terhadapa Prestasi belajar Matematika. Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 55-64. Lynch, M. (2018, September 18). How to Use Google Classroom to Create the Perfect Digital Learning Environment. Retrieved from The Tech Edvocate: McCrea, M. (2003). Teaching Reading, Lecturer Notes of Institute for Applied Language Studies. Edinburg: University of Edinburg. Pro, I. (2017). 5 Problems E-learning Students Experience, and how to Overcome them. Retrieved from Edology: Rabbi, M. M., Zakaria, A., & Tonmoy, M. M. (2018). Teaching Listening Skill through Google Classroom: AStudy at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh. 1-7. Scragg, S. (2018, March 1). Pross and Cons of Google Classroom. Retrieved from UFT: United Federation of Teachers: Shore, J. (2019). Problems in Online Classes. Retrieved from Sattle Pi: Xing, B., & Marwala, T. (2017). Implications of the Fourth Industrial Age on Higher Education. Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg. Zainuddin. (2012). Pentingnya Adversity Quatient dalam Meraih Prestasi. 1-10.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research is aimed to investigate the problems faced by students when they are taught using Google Classroom application. It is a descriptive study where the first semester students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga who took Literal Reading class became the subject of research. Literal reading class was taught using Google Classroom application. The writer used interview and documentation from WhatsApp message and Google Classroom chat to collect the data. Then, the data which were collected were analyzed to classify the students’ problem taught using Google Classroom application. After the data were analyzed and classified, the writer found that there were three main problems faced by students taught using Google Classroom application which were mentioned below; (1) Student’s motivation; (2) Student’s adversity quotient; (3) Technical problem.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleProblems Encountered by Students in Teaching Reading Using Google Classroom Applicationid_ID

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