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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Wuri
dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Abdillah
dc.identifier.citationButler, Judith. 1999. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of identity. New York: Routledge. Butler, Judith. 2011. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex.” Routledge Classics. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge. Kimmel, Micheal. 2000. “Inequaty and Difference: The Social Construction of Gender Relations’ Chap 5 in The Gendere Society, New York: OUP Mikkola, Mari. 2017. “Feminist Perspective on Sex and Gender”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed). Millet, Kate. 1971. “Theory of Sexual Politics” Chap. 2 in Sexual Politics, Lomdon: Granada Punlishinh Ltd.id_ID
dc.description.abstractMovies are shown on television or in movie theatres contain strong mediated messages, norms and values related to gender. This paper presents the protagonists who dominant have gender performance in Scarlet Letter movie. The objective of the study is to explain the problem faced by Hester Prynne as woman in Puritan, to analyze the factors cause the problems and to examine some solution done by Hester Prynne in the Scarlet Letter movie. It is a qualitative paper. There are two types of data, the first primary data consisting texts of the movie relating to the topic and secondary one covering the data that support the analysis. Technique of the data collection is carried out as follows watching and examining the movie, selecting the proper data suitable with the topic and presenting the data for the analysis. Technique of the data analysis is done through library research using descriptive method and applying the theory of gender performance by Judith Butler. The result of the study as follows firstly problem faced by Hester Prynne, she has problems to adapt the culture in Puritan community such as her activities, dress style, her principles and others. Secondly, the most factor appears in this movie is the different stereotype between Hester and Puritan society. The rules of Puritan society also impact in the equality of gender performative. Hester always behaves independent self to solve the problems faced in her life. The last, Hester and Arthur fall in love, because they have same hobby. Arthur is proud of Hester’s knowledge; it’s different with other women in Puritan. Woman and man have same equality, chance, and feeling. Culture develops in country should obey with people. Gender manages work as people should do. People have to respect and tolerant each other without distinguish their gender.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleButler's Gender Performance on Scarlet Letter Movieid_ID

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