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dc.contributor.authorLaila, Malikatul
dc.contributor.authorPuspitasari, Fibriani Dita
dc.identifier.citationAnggraini,aTiwik. (2017). Study On Turn-TakingaFound In Kick Andy Talk Show Of Kontroversi Ahok Episode. Bachelorathesis, UniversitasaBrawijaya. Butterfield, aJeffrie. (2015). Title Turn-Taking inaConversations for Language Learning. In a Earnshaw, Yvonne.a (2017). Navigating Turn-Takingaand Conversational Repair in anaOnline Synchronous Course. Online Learning Journal, 2472-5730 Ekawati,aRosyida. (2018). Turn-Takingain Math Tutorial Session: A ConversationaAnalysis. Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa danaSastra Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Vol 5, aNo 2. ISSN: 1907-6665; e-ISSN: 2622-0474 Glizai, aS.A. 2015. Conversational Analysis ofaTurn taking Behavior and Gender Differences inaMultimodal Conversation. Ina /Archive/.../shazia1.pdf Kuzel,aA.J. (1992). Sampling inaqualitative inquiry. InaCrabtree, B. F. & Miller, W.L. (eds). Doingaqualitative research. London: SAGEaPublication Inc. Levinson, aStephenaC. (1983). Pragmatics.aGreat Britain, CambridgeaUniversity Press. Luft, J. a& Ingham, H. (1955). "TheaJohari window, a graphicamodel of interpersonal awareness". Proceedings of theawestern training laboratory in groupadevelopment. LosaAngeles: UCLA. Muryatini, aRima. (2016). Power RelationsaIn The Turn-Taking Of Interrogation Recorded By Net’sa86. Journal of Al-Azhar Indonesia, 2356-0215 Moleong,qL.J. (1996). Metodologiapenelitian kualitatif edis irevisi,aBandung:aRosdakarya. Sacks, H.aSchegloff, E.A., &aJefferson, G. (1974).A simplestasystematics for the organization of turn-taking in conversation.aLanguage 50, 696-735. Schegloff,aE.A. (2007). Sequenceaorganization in interaction.aCambridge: CambridgeaUniversity Press. Schegloff,aE.A. (2000). Overlappingatalk and the organization of turn-taking foraconversation.Languageain Society,29(1), 1-63. Sutopo, H.B. (2006). Metodologi penelitian kualitatif: Dasar teori dan terapannya dalam penelitian. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThe study of turn taking in interaction may reveal participants’ characterization and show several intention of gestures or other non verbal accompaniment. The study aims to explain the types of turn taking the moderator conducted in the process of getting the information from the addressee and to examine the intentions of various strategies used during the ILC disccussion. The data are utterances taken from the moderator and appointed participants such as: lawyers, people representatives, gests of officials, victims, advocates, and tertiary students. The data collected is determined according to the unit of conversation as the completeness of the information obtained which are using recording and note taking; while the data analysis applied identification and comparation techniques. The result shows that firstly, there were two types of turn taking i.e. the current speakerMselected the next speakeruand the current speakeradoes not select nextaspeaker; instead, the next speaker initiated the speech. Secondly, the various intentions of the moderator in conducting the types of turn taking were based on the gesture or other non verbal signs, such as: (i) addressing by name or attention getter "you", (ii) by using intercom, (iii) questioning directly by pointing or walking closer to the addressee, (iv) by repeating or repairing, (v) initiating by making counteraand refusal, and (vi) using other gestures like gazing and smiling.id_ID
dc.publisherProceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT (International Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching) 2019id_ID
dc.titleThe Study of Turn Taking in ILC Discussionid_ID

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