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dc.contributor.authorHarismah, Kun
dc.contributor.authorDarnoto, Sri
dc.identifier.citationAmbarwati, Dwi Astuti dan Sri Darnoto. 2006. Pemanfaatan Abu Kulit Buah Kapuk (Ceiba petandra) sebagai Pupuk untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays). Laporan Penelitian Reguler. Lembaga Penelitian UMS. Departement of Preventive and Sosial Medicine, Medical College.Baroda 390001. Indian Journal of industrial Medicine. 1997 Sep; 43(3): 4-9. “A Studi of the Prevalence of Respiratory Morbidity in the Workers of a textile industry of Baroda City”. Diakses : Senin, 28 Januari 2006. Giancoli Douglas C. 1999. Fisika Jilid 1. Edisi kelima. Jakarta.Penerbit Erlangga. Harjono RM, dkk. 1996. “Kamus Kedokteran Dorland”. Edisi. 26. Editor : Tim Editor EGC. Jakarta. EGC. Harjono RM, dkk. 1996. Kamus Kedokteran Dorland. Edisi. 26. Editor : Tim Editor EGC. Jakarta: EGC. Juanda JS D dan Bambang C. 1999. Kapuk Budi Daya dan Analisis Usaha Tani. Yogyakarta. Kanisius. Nerentina BS. 2002. “Pengaruh Kedisiplinan Memakai Masker terhadap Penurunan Fungsi Paru pada Tenaga Kerja Bagian Weaving I PT. Kusumahadi Santosa Jaten Karanganyar Tahun 2002”. Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Tidak diterbitkan. Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1991. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi kedua. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, Tjitrosoepomo, G. 2000. Taksonomi Tumbuhan (Spermatophyta). Yogyakarta: UGM Press.en_US
dc.description.abstractKijon, Bengking, Jatinom, Klaten is one of the kapok industry centers in Klaten. One of the industries, “Warno Kapok”, belongs to Mr. Warno Sumarto. The process of removing the sheeds from the husks of kapok in most of kapok industries in Kijon is still done traditionally. Mr. Warno Sumarto applied this method too. This traditional method has some weaknesses such as the need of sufficient sunlight, the need of spacious area, the need of much time, low production, the possibility to cause byssinosis which can attack the worker, and the fatigue got by the workers. The aim of this research was to make a device to remove the seeds from the husks of kapok. This device should overcome the weaknesies of the traditional method. Based on this research, a device could be designed. It can work better even though it works without enough sunlight. It takes narrower place and it can increase the productivity. While the traditional method can only produce the nett husks as many as 25 Kg/worker/day, the device can produce the nett husks as many as 54,6 Kg/worker/day. It means that there is an increase in production as many as 29,6 Kg/worker/ day (118,4 %). This condition can increase the gross income of the industry ownes as much as Rp. 4.617.600/month.en_US

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