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dc.contributor.authorHidayah, Rifqi Syafiatul
dc.identifier.citationBrown, H., & Cambourne, B. 1987. Read and Retell. Portsmouth: Heinemann. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education,Inc. Burns, Anne. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Deacon, B.,& Murphey, T. (2001). Deep Impact Storytelling. Forum, Vol. 39, No.4. Retrieved 16 April 2008 from Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama. Lindsay, C.,& Knight, P. 2006. Learning and Teaching English. Oxford: University Press. Nunan, D. (1998). Second language teaching and learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. Savignon, S. J. 1997. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice (2nded.). Sydney: The McGraw Hill Companies. Stoicovy, C.E. (2004). Using Retelling to Scaffold English Language for Pacific Island Students. The Reading Matrix, Vol.4, No.1, April 2004. Retrieved 16 April 2008 from Xu Jianing. (2007). Storytelling in EFL Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XIII, No. 11, November 2007. Retrieved 21 November 2009 from Yorke, R.C. (1990). Study skill for students of English as a second language. New York: MC. Grow Hill.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research is aimed to find out the improving students’ speaking skill through retelling technique using movie and to know the students’ respond toward the implementation of retelling technique using movie in speaking class. This research was a classroom action research. In collecting the data, the researcher applied several techniques including observation, interview, questionaire and test. Quantitative data is analyzed using a comparative descriptive analysis by comparing the pre-test score and the pos-test score, meanwhile the qualitative data were analyzed using data reduction, data serving and taking the conclusion. The result of the research shows that: Retelling technique using movie can improve students' speaking skill, which covers some aspect: ideas, opinion, content, language and delivery. The improvement can also be seen from their result of post test. The mean score of pre test is 4.59, then increase to 5.91 in post test of cycle 1 and become 7.07 in post test of cycle 2. On the other hand The students' respond toward implementation of retelling technique was positive respond. 79% students like the implementation of retelling technique in English class.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleImproving Students' Speaking Skill through Retelling Technique using Movie (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Grogol in 2013/2014 Academic Year).id_ID

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