Pengaruh Variabel Internal dan Eksternal terhadap Tingkat Profitabilitas (ROA) (Studi Kasus di Bank Umum Syariah Periode 2012-2017)
Two factors that influence the rate of return of Islamic banks, namely; internal; liabilities compared to equity (DER), expenses compared to income (BOPO), non-performing loans (NPF), and external factors; Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation and Interest rates are independent variables, while the dependent variable (Y) is Return on Assets (ROA). This study aims to determine the influence of Internal and External factors of Islamic Banking in Indonesia for the period 2012 to 2017. By using quantitative methods, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression calculation, t test and F test. The independent variable simultaneously has a significant effect on ROA, it can be seen that Anova has a Sig value of 0.047 <of 0.05 and a contribution of change of 0.207; provide changes in variation on ROA of 20.7%, and the remaining 79.3% is influenced by other factors. Partially the BOPO, NPF and GDP variables have a significant effect on ROA, while DER, inflation and interest rates have no significant effect on ROA. It is suggested to the next researcher, add independent variables, and the manager presses BOPO lower again and keeps the NPF under control.