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dc.description.abstract | This study is carried out to describe the implication of al-qalb in the holy Qur’an
for character education. It is started with the explanantion of al-qalb in the
Qur’anic perspective, since the Qur’an is the guidance of human life. Then, it is
followed by brief dscription of character education. The research method used is
descriptive qualitative by using documentation, library research, and some
resources from variety references. The data is anayzed by selecting data which
relates to the topic. Afterwards, the information is organized and is decided in
which form should be entered in the context of analysis. And finally, the data is
tested for plausibility and confirmatibility that is well-described in the conclusion
and verification. The result of the research shows that al-qalb has two kinds of
meaning in the context of physical and psychological. Here, al-qalb is also the
main foundation of emotional, spiritual and intellecual quotient, for reason the
main function of al-qalb in the human body. As a result its important role of alqalb
in the human character can be figured out that character education is mainly
al-qalb education. | id_ID |