Tasks Design of English Textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X to Develop Student's Communicative Competence
This research focuses on analyzing the competencies covered in each tasks
and activities in Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X English textbook. The objectives
are to explain what linguistic competence, strategic competence, socio-cultural
competence, actional competence, and discourse competence are shown in the
tasks of English textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X, to elaborate frequency of
communicative competence are shown in the tasks of English textbook Bahasa
Inggris SMA Kelas X, and to elaborate the dominant communicative competence
in the tasks of English textbook Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X. In achieving the
objectives, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative as the type of the research.
The data of this research was the tasks and activities of English textbook Bahasa
Inggris SMA Kelas X. The data source of this research is Bahasa Inggris SMA
Kelas X English textbook published by Balitbang. In collecting the data the writer
uses documentation. The technique for analyzing the data are classifying and
describing the kinds of communicative competence, coding the data, scoring the
data, counting the frequency and dominant of the competencies, and drawing
conclusion. From the result of analysis, it can be drawn some conclusions. Firstly,
from 104 data there are there are 40 or 38.4% the tasks which designed to
develop student’s linguistic competence, 6 or 5.8% the tasks which designed to
develop student’s strategic competence, 8 or 7.7% the tasks which designed to
develop student’s socio-cultural competence, 33 or 31.7% the tasks which
designed to develop student’s actional competence, 17 or 16.3% the tasks which
designed to develop student’s discourse competence. Secondly, the dominant of
each Communicative Competence is Linguistic Competence. Thirdly, this textbook
was sufficient because there only linguistic and actional competence which
available tasks to develop its competence in 20% - 40%. Therefore, it can be
conclude that Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X English textbook is sufficient to
develop student’s communicative competence.