An Analysis of the Types of Reading Question in The Textbook "Bright" for The Seven Grade Student of Junior High School Published by Erlangga
This research paper is aimed at finding the types of reading question in
the textbook “Bright”for the seven grade student of Juior High School. The writer
applies descriptive study as the type of this research. The data are collected by
using document analysis technique. The data are the materials in the English
textbook “Bright”. The writer uses descriptive analysis as the technique for
analyzing data, the steps are: (1) collecting the data in the “Bright” textbook, (2)
tabulating the data into the table to find the types of reading text questions on the
Bright textbook, (3) analyzing the data. The result of this study shows that there
are five types of question in the English textbook “Bright”. There are question of
literal comprehension, question involving reorganization or reinterpretatin,
question of inference, question of evaluation, and question of personal response.
The dominan question is question of literal comprehension.