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dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Totok Budi
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Wahyuni
dc.contributor.authorSusila, Ikhwan
dc.identifier.citationDirektorat Pendidikan Tinggi. 2006. Pedoman Penyusunan Proposal Kewirausahaan. Jakarta: Dirjen dikti DP2M. Kuncoro, Mudrajat. 2002. Analisis Spasial dan Regional: Studi Aglomerasi dan Kluster Industri Indonesia. Yogyakarta: UPP AMP YKPN. Maryadi dkk. 2005. “Tracer Study dan Labour Market Signal Bagi Alumni Universitas Muhamamdiyah Surakarta. Laporan Penelitian Institusional. Surakarta: Muhamamdiyah University Press. Nurmianto, Eko.1996. Ergonomi : Konsep dasar dan Aplikasinya Tinjauan Anatomi, Fisiologi, Antropologi, Psikologi, dan komputasi untuk Perancangan, Kerja dan Produk. Jakarta: PT Guna Widya. Priiatna, Heri.2007. “Health and Hospital”. Majalah Kesehatan dan Gaya Hidup. Jakarta . Susila, Ikhwan. 2006. “Penyusunan Proyeksi Income dan Statemen dalam Bisnis Plan untuk UMKM”. Materi Kuliah Pengembangan Budaya Kewirausahaan Universitas Muhamamdiyah Surakarta. Tak diterbitkan.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe low of collegiate enthusiasm to be entrepreneurs has just indicated that the collegiates is not able to read relevant business opportunity with science area studied in college. In other side, the, science and technology which has been studied by student hardly required by industrial circle, either big industry, small and also middle. In Fact, in field indicates that outwall tenant hardly requires existence of human resource mastering science and technology, usual marketing and management has not been mastered by outwall tenant. Outwall tenant still using old technology and management pattern applied that there are still have the character of traditional in meaning of the functioning entrepreneur as maker, mrketing, as well as as manager. The form of effort for inwall tenant consist of: 1 service clinic business unit of physiotherapy and 1 business beauty care placed in Muhammadiyah Medical Center. Although still beginning, but the existence of inwall tenant can interesting of consumer to try feels the health service and this thing is one of effort for service having good prospect. The effort for outwall between are 2 business units walking ambulation aid of patient, 2 physiotherapy clinics service business, 1 service business unit copy and bookbindery, 1 service unit in the form of special school for child of having special needs, and 1unit effort for making of beauty soap of milk base. All activities is pointed to increase prosperity of outwall and inwall tenant..en_US
dc.subjectinkubator wirausaha baruen_US
dc.subjectinwall tenanten_US
dc.subjectoutwall tenanten_US

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