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dc.contributor.authorSutopo, Anam
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research are to apply the interactive method for increasing the quality of teaching Translation course and to improve students’ ability in translating text from English into Indonesian. Therefore, the proposed problems in this classroom action research are; 1) is the interactive method able to increase teaching quality of Translation course? and 2) is interactive teaching method able to improve students’ ability in translating text from English into Indonesian? This research applies the action classroom research. The selected class as the location of research is class A, semester VI in 2013-2014 academic year. This class has 43 students. This research uses 4 cycles consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The results of the research show that interactive method is able to be used as an effort to improve students’ ability in translation skill. This method can improve; 1) learning activity of students, 2) students’ interaction in teaching leaning process, 3) students’ activeness, and 4) students’ ability in translating text from English into Indonesian. By applying the interactive method, students are able to interact with other students that support their activeness. The increasing of those interaction and activity has impact to the improvement of students’ ability in joining the teaching learning process. The progress of students’ ability can be seen also from the increasing of average score. In the beginning of teaching (pre-test) the average score is 6.0 while in the end of the class (post-test), the score is 7.3. It means that there is a significant improvement in teaching learning process on Translation course. The teaching learning process of translation course becomes more interesting. The students feel more comfortable and enjoyable in joining the course.id_ID
dc.titleImproving Student’s Translation Skill By Using Interactive Method For The Sixth Semester Students Of English Department In 2013 – 2014 Academic Yearid_ID

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