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dc.contributor.authorRushayati, Siti Badriyah
dc.contributor.authorDahlan, Endes N
dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Rachmad
dc.identifier.citationBrack, C.L. (2002) Pollution mitigation and carbon sequestration by an urban forest. Environt Pollut. vol. 116, pp. 195-200 Cavanagh, J. A. E., Zawar-Reza P., Wilson J. G. (2009) Spatial attenuation of ambient particulate matter air pollution within an urbanised native forest patch. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. vol. 8, pp. 21-30. Dahlan, E.N. (2004) Membangun Kota Kebun (Garden City) Bernuansa Hutan Kota. Bogor: Kerjasama IPB Press dengan Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB. Dahlan, E.N. (2007) Analisis Kebutuhan Luasan Hutan Kota sebagai Sink Gas CO2 Antropogenik dari Bahan Bakar Minyak dan Gas di Kota Bogor dengan Pndekatan Sistem Dinamik. Disertasi. Program Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Kehutanan, Sekolah Pascasarjana. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor. Elegem, E., Muys, dan Lust (2002) Sebuah Metodologi untuk Menentukan Lokasi Terbaik untuk Hutan Kota Baru dengan Menggunakan Analisis Multi Kriteria. Fakuara, Y., Sadan, W., Bambang, P., dan Soedaryanto (1987) Konsepsi Pengembangan Hutan Kota. Fakultas Kehutanan, Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor. Grey, G.W. dan Deneke, F.I. (1978) Urban Forestry. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Irwan, Z.D. (2005) Tantangan lingkungan dan Lansekap Hutan Kota. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara. Murdiyarso, D. (2003) Sepuluh Tahun Perjalanan Negosiasi Konvensi Perubahan Iklim. Kerjasama Institut Pertanian Bogor dengan Wetlands International. Jakarta: PT. Kompas Media Nusantara. Sarkar, H. (2004) Study of landcover and population density influences on urban heat island in tropical cities by using remote sensing and GIS. A methodological consideration. Jakarta: 3rd FIG Regional Conference. Soedomo, M. (2001) Pencemaran Udara . Bandung: Penerbit ITB Bandung. Tashiro Y. 2009. Green Networking as an Appropriate Urban Greening Method to the Green City. The International Symposium of Green City. August 10-11, 2009. IPB Internatinal Convenstion Center. Bogor Tursilowati L. 2002. Urban heat island dan kontribusinya pada perubahan iklim dan hubungannya dengan perubahan lahan. Seminar Nasional Pemanasan Global dan Perubahan Global . Fakta, mitigasi, dan adaptasi. Pusat Pemanfaatan Sains Atmosfer dan Iklim LAPAN, ISBN : 978-979-17490-0-8 : 89-96.en_US
dc.description.abstractBandung regency is one of the cities with many environmental problems oc like other cities in Indonesia. These problems are the continues increasing the number and density of population, and the increasing increased industrial and transportation. On the other hard, the forest area and green open space in Bandung Regency continues to decline. This causes increased air pollution and air temperature. The problems can be sowed with micro climate reparation in Bandung regency using urban forest in order to improve the climate conditions (amelioration) efficiently and effectively.en_US
dc.subjecturban foresten_US
dc.subjectgreen open spaceen_US
dc.subjectair pollutionen_US
dc.subjectair temperatureen_US
dc.titleAmeliorasi Iklim Melalui Zonasi Hutan Kota Berdasarkan Peta Sebaran Polutan Udaraen_US
dc.title.alternativeClimate Amelioration by Urban Forest Zonation Based on Air Pollutants Distribution Mapen_US

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